hello! long time since i've posted yeah.

haha,this shall be sad post,because im sick D : (okay,you can cry now)
(okay,joking lah.)

but seriously,sucks having fever plus throat inflammation at the same time.


okay,let me describe the symptoms.

1. nausea
2. no appetite (because you feel like vomiting) (thought im hungry,HA)
3. throat is freakin pain till you can't even swallow your own saliva (boooooo.)
4. splitting headache : O
5. COOOLD! (like freezing when my brother sweated cause i didnt wanna turn on the fan) HAHA

and yesterday night was horrible horrible horrible.

i woke up every hour (it's really quite accurate!) in cold sweat.
and i was burning lke crazy, felt super cold.

speaking about feeling cold, i actually felt really cold at the entrance of the MRT. (?!?) like its always warm there.

anyways,feeling much better now,though i think my throat feels worse but my fever isnt so bad though the headache is still there.

darn, my mum made me eat youghurt when my throat is hurting so badly.
took like half an hour to finish.

its getting late.
i guess.
but not very tired,i dunno why.
feel like reading my book.
shall do just that (:

For every breath he took,
it seemed to take his life away, bit by bit.
They were calling him, he could hear their whispers in his ear.




and then.

im feeling so.. confused? depressed? overly stressing out or freaking out over everything else?


i knew this was coming, i just didnt want to accept it.
i'd rather be stuck,still, in this denial mental state that i am now.

but then again, how can i.

being labeled irresponsible/useless/'not up to it'/lousy.
seriously, whatever.

still, HOW CAN I?

i'm really at a total complete loss to what i am to do.
no matter how much i had tried before,i just couldn't grasp of what was going on.
really, i don't deserve this.
neither do they.

i can't do anything without thinking about this now.
it just keeps urging me to 'START!'.
but what can i do.
i know nothing. i'm a failure,i'll admit it.

short post here!
today we had a 'reflection day'.
gah,no comments.

ahhh,and i did many bad things today):
really sorry:/

hahahaha,nienping that piece of *oob! hahahahah:D

grr,irritating brother.

ahhh,im really scared to getting back my results.
i bet it'll suck.

okay,fact #4! : cheekopeh's shoe=slippers=super flying shoes=lethal/dangerous weapon!!

whoohooo games carnival tmr.
whoohoo,FRISBEE.(im being sarcastic in this line)
freakin' pissed,not because im in frisbee(though i still hate it),but because not gonna say it,but it doesnt make a diff no point complaining.

okay,i'll just try to enjoy myself tmr,though i hope the group won't be like those "oh,so sian" kinda attitude.

yeah,other patrol people who see this, please link HIBISCUS:D


helloboredom,hello ham!
yeah,still,dying of boredom.
but it's definitely better than studying all day long.
got flu and cough,shucks.
makes my eyes itchy.

and im home alone,great.
its around 930am now.have been sitting here doing nothing for the past two hours.

oooh,i just realised everything now revolves around ham.
lunch:maggie mee&egg&ham.
& if im hungry in th afternoon,more bread&ham.

the 2ndUS presidential debate's on CNA now.
like,boring. (HAHA)
watched the first one and was like, "RIGHT..."

ahhh,i want cable tv!!
then i can watch camp rock and other fabulous show, rather than wasting my time here,doing absolutely nothing.

okay,since im so bored,let me tell you sth! hahaha.

#1 siming likes to eat/drink air (and is really good in doing so)
#2 kimberly thinks she's nice/cute (actually,NOPE!)
#3 & some people are real idiots. (guess who!)

okay,what should i do now,seriously.
suggestions on the tagboard please(:
(no rubbish,thanks)


just a quick post, then i'll go watch tv:D

exams are over! ohyeah!

went to j8,northpoint&causeway point with a bunny and goat today.

its a long story,so i shant type it all out.

anyways,looking forward to that $100 voucher day:D i want to spend it NOWWWW!
yuwei wants to go out during hols tooo. hahaha.yayeee.

what to say,what to say?
ohhh, that previous post, yeah,i was emo-ing,so like ignore it kays! hahaha:D


okay,tv time:D
hello all!
(hope you've relinked me,yaye)
i've changed my url to prevent certain people from reading. (some people should know who)
hinthint(: it was a HARD decision,seeing how i didnt want to hurt anyone.
no harm done i guess(: now that i've changed it anyway.. (:

gahh,i liked the previous url more though:/ sigh.

been feeling moody nowadays.
i clearly know who im annoyed (pissed?) about.i shant say who.
not that im being unreasonable. i really dont think i am.
&i don't get this pissed at someone like her so easily.
makes me sad):

i don't know luhh.
its like whenever i see her, i cant stand the sight of her,makes me even more irritated.
but somehow,i really don't want this to continue.

maybe she won't even understand why im so unhappy, or maybe no one will.
i don't like to talk about these things ya' know.
makes me dwell more on those unhappy incidents.

maybe, after exams it'll be as before.
but i don't have high hopes.
she seems not to sense this(thoygh i think she would have,knowing her)
but i'd rather believe she's avoiding me too.

i shouldn't dwell anymore.
if its not gonna happen, i'll heck it.

yaye,i shall be happy:D
(now that eoys are almost over!)
though depressed at the prospect at getting back my maths and science.
maths and sci sucks! whoohoo:D
if i had a choice,i wouldnt even bother studying these sub.
if i don't have the ability to do it, then i'd rather drop it.
why keep trying over and over when there's no point in doing so?

ohyaye,im looking forwards to guides!
been so bored with studying or doing nothing.(like now)