current earplugs!
yayee! now about songs!

found some really nice songs today.

current earplugs!
1.hold on - jonas brothers
2.maybe - secondhand serenade
3.fall for you - secondhand serenade
4.your call - secondhand serenade
5.awake - secondhand serenade

i think the lyrics are,to some extent, rather meaning.
when you have the time, go listen(;

i think 'your call','awake and 'maybe' is nicer than 'fall for you' though it was on the hits on 987 recently.

music is a drug


open house; guides!!

guides session today! and open house!

morning reached science lab B for the exhibition. the place was like ghost town. while the lab next door was so lively.

because of the brain-dead but heart alive dissected frog. ugh, when i first saw it i got a shocked. cause when valerie asked me to turn around, i suddenly saw the dissected frog (which wasnt a preettty sight) , which i totally freaked upon seeing. until awhile later, (i was ahem mentally prepared?)i went to see it. and took two pictures. oh,deniseneo and joanna were there too.

stayed till 12.25 like that then left for guides with jinny.
had gadgets test. retook thrice,failed thrice.
i think we make a really fun pair! must tie faster ;) HAHA(:

then had outdoor cooking! yaye!
there's me<3,joey<3,janicelee<3,jiahui<3,dew<3.>best!

then jiahui and joey damn funny. then oiled the bottom of the pan but didnt oil the inside :X
so our fish was like stuck to the pan abit, but it got out later cause we ate from the pan(:

we had really much funn in starting and maintaining the fire. at some points the fire was damn big and hott. at some point the fire's like making us freak out - "omg,the fire is dying!!"

and we compared it with ,haha, a vampire. - edward cullen! (twilight fans! - im not one of 'em,joey is! )
was so tired when we finally cleared up.
and so desperate for water.
went to buy slurpee! yaye-ness.

then went home with nienping,joey,janicelee,dew.

i really hope for more of these kinda guides sessions! uberr funn (:


-next post bour songs (: -

orchid photos <3
dedicated to orchidians08! <3

sweet,sweet memories. orchid08!


camp mystery08,farewell yellows!
hello(: (my usual opening)
yeah,its about camp,and its only gonna be bits and pieces of it cause i cant place exactly where this incident had happened etc that kinda thing. my brain is like short term memory lost.

day one
fall in,then pitched tent and did our shoe rack and clotheslines.
next,had outdoor cooking using solid fuel next to bigfoot patrol. we damn smart, choose the shady spot, but then super isolated from the rest of the patrols x)
cooked maggie noodles with kinda raw egg and sausage! our patrol's noodles,'raw' egg soup and sausage totally rocked! (: we ate it all up in a jiffy(: then simon templar couldnt finish so they gave us like loads to finish :/ super full (but i have to admit, i think that was the best meal all camp,except for macs:X )

then had song session thingo. me and huirou were like superr high. hahaha. though i wished i could be with the right people for these kinda stuff.

then,initiative games!
our 'caterpillar' game was rather successful(:
then had that diminishing load game. whatthehell, i had to piggyback leebin and this other sec3(whats her name??-shes in secret seven) like one after the other. but i couldnt expect tham to piggyback me cause i was heavier than them :/ i felt kinda satisfied bringing them over to the other side though(: but really tiring! :O
then had to run one round the netball court shouting the inspector gadget cheer(: [its the secret mission,lol!]
inspector gadget has the brains,
inspector gadget has the muscles,
inspector gadget has the sexy legs,
and we will win the game! (:

haiyo, wet games was cancelled): that (lijuan's)subaby lo, dont allow.HMPH! >:/
i was so looking forward to that can. sigh.
ate dinner then bathed! bathing was like, i still hate it.but better than last year,i made improvements :X

night trails!!!(:
first stop-outside mpr one.
its just showing facial expressions.
second stop-ethel's station, at some toilet(the spongeob squarepants one), but cant rmb where.
ohmygosh,waited there for some time till the next patrol arrived.
then ethel was there with us like just talking.
as we were about to go into the toilet to play the game, ethel suddenly switched off the lights and some figure suddenly popped out! i totally freaked and screamed,and teared. whattheheck,it was only trina.
tsktsk,how could they play such a dirty trick! haha,jk luhh,that was what made the night trial even more exciting and freaky.
the game wasnt really scray,just using your mouth the poke the sticks into plasticine.
third stop-container room
charlotte and rachel teo were the gamemasters there.
then the story was sth like this girl got pulled into the waters.-a hand grabbed her ankle and dragged her in.
then as charlotte and rachelteo explained, i kept turning behind me to make sure no one was there and stuff. coincidentally, i saw danette,and someone(cant rmb who) creeping behind us,then i saw them and stared at them, then they gave the expression like "urgh,you saw us?!?".so i told leebin that theres someone behind us.she like no reaction,then they grabbed her ankle,i think she freaked abit. later,leebin told me she thought i was joking when i told her someone was behind us! lol.
its some pass-the-message thingo.
i was the second last. and the message i got was sth like "a 13year old girl named joan,sth 13,sth 18,died of heart failure" and the real message was totally different from what i got. nothing to do with a 13year old girl,nothing to do with joan,nothing to do with heart failure.
smart right! HAHAHA.
next stop was supposedly the playground,15mins left. but didnt go in the end,we were all too scared to go. with the exception of joanna of course ;)

had guides own later,wrote to five(elissa,shermaine,sarahong,ethel,chinpei)!there are many more people i want to thank,but not enough paper and stuff. (i split one papaer into 4 so im not wasting paper!(: )
received five too(: - from ethel,bunny(siming),yutian,shakespeare,deniselee.
yaye,i was really touched you you guys!
-----sleep in tent-----(as usual,freakin hott)

day two

pt(four rounds-totally unexpected actually,then had some jumps and crunches-crunches are torture)
breakfast is like urghhh. i never liked it.i rather they give us a little too little to eat than too much, cause if im still a little hungry can still drink water to bloat myself.yeah im weird,whatever.

inspection! yaye,i indeed labeled everything! yaye me(: so its a record of two years that i've labeled everything(or at least everything they've checked). accomplishment!
and melissa really checks everything,except for dirty clothes of course!oh,the people inspecting our patrol was rachelteo and melissa.
the only thing confiscated was huirou's slippers cause the labels fell out.

----------camp preparations----------
abit bo liao sometimes,cause of the stupid rain>:/ hohoho.

then dinner.. cherida and kristie couldnt finish their food,then they vomited. urgh,i felt lilke burning the food away when i had to stuff my mouth with other's food cause it was already hard enough finishing my own..

then campfire!(:
stood at the gateway with yutian and though chua was not suppose to be there, she just like pretend to 'patrol' around the gateway so she can talk to us.HAHA(:
rachaelteo and sarahtan was on the other side and ruth and pauline too.
urgh,the annoying poeple were like, i just dao them lo,they were so freakin rude. then rachael and sarah got pissed with them too.
later got high with siming,chua,hsiaowei,yt.or was i the only one who was super high? o.0 i need high people with me!
and priscilla was like damn high with this other school.whattheheck,haha.

oh and this guide from this school suddenly seemed to be like sick or sth, then i told bessy.i didnt know they would like hurry call the first aider and all that,ohmygosh,i was freakin out cause i wasnt even a 100% sure she was unwell(i didnt say that..).then charlotte was like "she want to gain attention,hahaha"or sth like that ;)

took out the gateway later, really quickly, with help from others and seniors of course!(:
then had evaluation,it was wayy better than last least i wasnt totally dozing off and stuff(:
then had supper,ohmygod

day three

woke up at like 4.15am to label our stuff (label camp pat!)cause we heard that there may be a surprise inspection.and xinhui expected camp pats to be there.and she told me she wanted to check my patrol! grr, but in the end we didnt have the inspection cause we were the cooks 1 (breakfast) and it was like before breakfast.
so yae, we're spared(:
our patrol (as commented by the i/c for cooks 1 thats day -seowshan,cassandra,danette,qimin-
)were really fast and efficient though there were only four of us,and no sec threes. - me,leebin,huirou,jinny.yaye,inspector gadget(:
me and leebin tended one side and huirou and jinny tended the other.
it was really fun!!!!!hahahahah. and cassandra does crazy things like taking the whole pot of hot milo and pouring into the dispenser. like thats so dangerous,but she did it!(;

yaye, our milo really tasted great!hahahaha,i seriously loved it <3

strike tent!
but gateway first(:
i washed the poles at the peacock area there,then no one left to help me carry the poles back.then i was like shit,how the heck was i gonna carry such a long and heavy pole?!?
luckily kiwi came to my rescue! thank you kiwi!! (:

then farewell :'(
it was really sad,and everytime some video or speech came up, everyonewas like "you're gonna cry,and giving me that 'dont cry' look." and i was like "im not gonna cry luhh!"
but i seriously was okay, i was like gonna break into tears already.. esp when deniseneo read that speech to the yellowbadges. i was seriusly gonna break, and i did,abit. i held up all my tears.
but the skit put up by the sec3s was really hilarious!
esp kaiying - the 'handsomest' guy. ohmygosh,she was so cute! hahaha.
and carol seriously looked auntie-ish and ahbeng-ish at the same time,really funny! rachelsim was like totally pink,and did the act cute thingo. hahaha.

when we got into our patrols,i really wanted to break already, but just held it there.
and whenever i see someone cry,i want to cry too,i just look th other way.
until juliana broke,than i broke too,but for awhile. then i tried to stop.

i really miss the yellows. whenever i see the stuff they gave us,whenever i see the posts on others blogs about the yellows,whenever i see the photos we took,whenever i think about them or see their name, i get really sad and break into tears.
i think about them at night, i cry on my bed to sleep. i just cant help it.
i really miss you YELLOWS!
please dont leave,but i know i have to let go.
i really do hope you'll never forget us,as much as i wont forget you great bunch of people too.
and please do come back for guides, i really do wish to see your faces again.
i have much more to say,but i'll stop here before i start to flood my keyboard.
i just want to say thanks for guiding us along,and correcting whatever mistakes we've made,and being the great people you've always been. thanks for everything.

to the orchid yellows,i'll never forget you guys - ethel,yingqi and christine!thanks for all the joy and laughter you've brought us! <3


random 19qns quiz("
another random quiz from kim! hahaha,im just bored though im suppose to be sleeping already. but who cares!
hmm,need to get my mind off things,been kinda pissed off easily lately.maybe life's just too much to handle.
ohwell,better stop before i start emo-ing again


1. What is more difficult:letting go of everything or forget what happened?
forget what happened.although it may still sub-consciously exist, at least i'll never know it happened.

2. Think of the last time you were angry. Why were you angry?
because i've been cheated of my feelings.

3. You will die in three minutes. Last call?
my mum,no doubt about that!

4. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
um,im really not sure.
probably a happy family?
but because of this materialistic world,sacrifices have to be made,so it'll be, being freakin rich with no stress at all.

5. You can have one of the following two things: trust or love?
definitely trust.

6. Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone?
yeah,maybe my brother. but,it never works.

7. Think of the last person whom you know.

8. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?
well,i dont think so.people who're too similar to each other just dont click.-figure out why.

9. Would u sleep with someone if u had the chance?
um,my mum?i dont mind. some weirdo?-nope!

10. Are you old fashioned?
i dont think i am.

11. What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
that i do not love them back. i'd rather be hurt by someone i love than to hurt someone else who loves me;the guilt would haunt me forever.

12. What things would be the hardest thing for you to give up?
my loved ones.

13. Romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them?

14. Imagine. It is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. who do you wish was there with you?
my mum.(i know i can always depend on her!)

15. Would you give a homeless person CPR?
to start it off,i dont know CPR.secondly,im not a certified first aider,i would be arrested,stupid.

16. You are holding onto your grandmother. .
why would i be doing that in the first place?


17. Do you tell anyone or everyone you are going to die?
i would tell all the people who care for me-my family, dearest friends..

18. What do you do with your remaining days
do things that i never did before which i would regret if i didnt do.

19. Would you be afraid?
im almost a 101% sure that i would be afraid.

there you have it!

orchid bbq videos and pics <3
shall post the videos and pictures we took on 3june2008,tuesday on the orchid bbq,our first patrol outing! <3

the poor hungry cat that came to us for food.. awww! but really scary actually.look at its eyes!

look at our hands! its elissa,me,joey,juliana and amy's hands! STAR!!
its the five of us again (:
(going by clockwise direction)the one in red is elissa,black is juliana,green is me,white is joey and grey is amy!

here are the two nice videos(:

its shouts "ORCHID!"
starting from the left, its elissa,amy,juliana,joey and me!
shows our orchid spirit,hahaha!

this one shouts "O-R-C-H-I-D, ORCHID!"
same position, elissa shouts 'O' ,amy shouts 'R',juliana shouts 'C',joey shouts 'H',i shout 'I' and we all shout 'D' together, then 'ORCHID!' together (:
ohmygosh, it was so much fun!hahahahaha(:

we're so enthu about orchid! we love orchid! <3

ahhh,too bad the sec4s arent in the photos and videos cause they went home earlier :/
nevermind,we'll have another one! (:
then we can take pics with them!

whoohoo,loves, beverly(:

the random think of 20people quiz ;)

blahblah,another random quiz(: enjoy! ;)

Name 20 ppl you can think of now. Don't read the questions until you've named them. at the end of this, choose 5 ppl to do it

1.kimberly the nocturnal-mutated-goat(:

2.mdm fungsiming!





7.amykuan! (or guan! hahaha)

8.julianalien (or ahlian!or juliena! hahha)


10.yexin! (act preeettty ;) )

11.ethel(suddenly thought of orchid bbq so here are our sec4s(: )

12.christine anne




16.tabithatan the spastic


18.cheekopeh, hueimin!

19.linlijuan's cheapskate!,nicolechan!


1] when was the last time you saw 17 ? (lijuan)

jubilate!haha, wearing the revealing dress with high heels!HAHAHA

2] have you ever betrayed 6? (joeytok)

why would i!

3] what would happen if 20nvr existed ? (jane)

then my 'beef industries' wouoldnt flourish xP shes my manager! hohoho.

4] is it possible between 15 and 9 ? (nienping and kaising)

to be friends?yeap, quite likely.

5] has 10 ever met 8 ? (juliana and yexin)

i doubt so.

6] wad do you not like about 2 ? (fungsiming!)

her violent-ness! shes also known as THE VIOLENT HARE. so stay clear of her way :X

7] how similar are 5 and 7 ? (elissa and amy)

they both have a really cute height (; they are in ORCHID.they wear specs and are really nice(:

8] how similar are 1 and 11 ? (kimberly,ethel)

um,they're both from bougain (at least ethel was), they're both in guides and wear specs. they're nice too;)

9] wad relationship does 3 and 4 has ? (yt,janchua)

haha,friends!nothing more i suppose(;

10] what is lovable about 14 ? (shakes!)

really brave (i admire!),really nice and her straight forward-ness ((:

11] has 13 been to your house ?? (yingqi)

i doubt that would even happen!

12] when did you know 18 exsisted ? (cheekopeh, hueimin!)

when she flaunted her cheekopeh-ness!

13] what if 12 likes you in that way ?? (christine anne)

what way? senior-junior way? (:

14] when was the second last time you saw 16 ?

during precamp(:

the five people to do this quiz:
5.cheekopeh (like on classblog,can also keep the blog alive(: )

hahaha, finally done with the quiz(:my mums bugging me to sleep so she can use the computer. selfish huh!she wouldnt let me use it if i asked and shes using the typical 'its late' excuse >:/

whatever, im an optimist(:
love, beverly(:

50 random qns quiz(:
yaye, bored me has decided to do a random quiz(:

1. Name someone who can always makes you smile?
hmm,i'll keep it for me to know and only me(:

2. What were you doing at 10:00 this morning?
err, like bugging my mum to get out of bed!

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
surfing the net, random-ing around.

4. What did you do last night?
mostly sleeping(:

5. What color is your hair brush?
black, only red at the tip.

6. Where did your last hug take place?
i think outside HPB. (crystal is random bytheway)

7. What are you excited for?
night trails during camp! & even more excitable, getting rich/ getting uber smart.

8. Ever smoked?
no way.

9. Last person you spoke to?
my mum!

10. -

11. Are you a jealous person?
well, yeah i guess :X

12. Who was your last missed call?
my grandma(?!? eeeek)

13. What should you be doing right now?
sleeping, or waiting for my mum (which i am), i think peeing! - ohgosh, i go pee first. back!

14. Do you have a nickname?
yeah,loads. beaver,bever,beaverly,beverlim,bevv/bev,beef,ko-a-la(retarded!).

15. Are you a heavy sleeper?
yeah,sometimes i should think i am.not by nature i suppose.

16. What are you listening to?
er, the fan, the tv on but im not watching (stupid wastrel),the typing keyboard.

17. Do you have a crush?
yeah, for my dog. lol!

18. When was the last time you did the dishes?
errr, i cant remember.

19. Does anyone like you?
yeap! like the whole universe! hahaha(:

20. Last time you went on a date?
date as in with guys? never (and not in the near future) so innocent can(:

21. Do you like coffee?
nope, unless loads of condensed milk is in it and it isnt bitter one bit.

22. Number of pillows you sleep with?
like one if you consider a cushion a pillow! (so pathetic...)

23. You couldn't live without?
well, ME! and my dog,money,my family,handphone,television. (all i can say is imma materialistic person)

24. Do you want kids?
not considering to have one. like i'd bother to think much of that.

25. Ever went out with a girl/guy because you were desperate and they asked you out?
i think so?

26. Have you been to new york city?
nope, its not like im that rich. but i wouldnt mind going there(:

27. What do you think about before you go to bed?
like, everything. don't bother asking what.

28. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
friend? you mean foe, hahaha, if thats the case, my brother :X

29. Do you get nervous with public speaking?
yeah, really nervous, most of the time.

30. Who sits next to you in work or school?
haha, lijuan! (:

31. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
yeap! im an optimistic person(:

32. What type of girl/guy do you usually fall for?
um, '-------' thats my not les like shix anf qx!

33. Do you actually believe in perfection?
nope, or money would fall from the sky right now.

34. Would you rather be in a relationship?
no way. its extra stress. (i guess it is?)

35. What are you craving for at the moment?
my ulcers to get the hell out of my mouth. or money to really fall from the sky, into my pocket.
and fooooood(: fries!

36. Does your face turn red when you're angry?

37. What websites do you visit the most?
random websites like blogs,youtube,even more random sites.

38. Does drinking alcohol make you act more like your true self?
no.i dont even drink alcohol!

39. What do you hate about the opposite sex?
the egoistic-ness. totally annoying, like my cousins.

40. What would you say if your doc. told you were pregnant?
firstly, my doc would be juliana, whole day claims im 8months pregnant. IM NOT! secondly,sue the doc for slander - its insulting. hahaha.

41. Do you like thunderstorms?
no wayy! i hate it hate it hate it.

42. The last opp gender who made you laugh?
er, my dog? i dont know. the only possible people so far are my brother and dog anyways.

43. Who was the last person you ran into unexpectedly?
kaising! haha, met at the mrt platform with joey today(:

44. Who did you last get angry with?
i think it was my mum. its an almost-everyday-occurance. like over nothing at times.hurhurr.

45. A person you've been meaning to contact but havent?
i think my dad :/

46. Is your heart still occupied?
sure, just in what sense?

47. Jealous of anyone right now?
hmm, only when i think about it.

48. How many lies have you made in this lifetime?
definitely more than you have.

49. Would you ever want to turn back time?
yeah, sometimes i really wished i could.too bad its never gonna happen.

50. Last words unspoken
im so sorry, i really didnt mean it.

haha, i feel emo again. suppress! (: i shall do another quiz. im still bored xP

its true! :X

hey peeps! ohmygosh, this site is like uber cool kays!
its like a MUST to try!
its like totally true! hahaha, cool("

love! beverly(:

precamp, orchid bbq <3, enrolment!
im here again. hmm, alot has been going on lately.
firstly, pre camp!
day one was learning tentage,axemanship and fire altar stuffs(:
ohgosh, our tentage was a little out of hand though! x)
but we kinda got it in the end, i hope we'll do well during camp when we pitch our tent(:
inspector gadget! <3
axemanship was okay. then firealtar and then had some gateway lecture on the watch tower.

then had ORCHID BBQ! the day i've been waiting for such a long time! our first orchid outing! <3
it was really fun you know!(:
the sec ones, juliana and amy (nicole was in malaysia) and twos me and joey, played games! and each time whoever lost was to be a month pregnant. when you've reached nine months, you're gonna give birth! so you have to do a forfeit.
we played macdonalds and tempo! hahah, i very unlucky can!
and when we played the tempo game, we had all sorts of weird names. like i took the names christine and yingqi (pat seniors names!) for two different rounds(;
hahahaha, i very slow so cant get the names right xP
then that joey,juliana and amy all wanna sabo me! hmph! hahah. esp that juliana! >:)
yaye, sec3s and 4s are really good bbq-ers(: YOU ROCK! ;)

we were really high, took pics and videos. did i mention we took the same video over and over and over again? haha, really tiring but funny(: camera luhh, kept dying on us! >:)

oh! and there was this cat who kept coming to us for food, christine prepared some marshmallows then i gave it, but it apparently doesn't eat marshmallows! x)

it was a really unforgettable outing <3

day two of precamp! (: yaye, outdoor cooking! and yucks, i hate the gross fishy. it just disgusts me alot. i cant believe that huirou and jinny found it amusing playing with it. floating fish huh.

cleaned the toilet later, gahhhh, missed half a lecture of the kitchen shelter! oh nonono. but i know basically how to do it. so it should be a-okay! (:

enrolment! wth, the enrolment was all... gosh.
and my arms like totally cramped up, my neck could crack like 3-4 times in a row(scary) and my legs hurt like mad. now,i cant squat properly! my right leg will hurt alot :/ whattheheck!
i conclude, this years enrolment was like kinda slacked cause it was supposed to be a rehearsal. plus the time where they put the badges was all wrong. i guess maybe it was because that it was gonna rain. whoknows!

yaye, played macdonalds with the 'whole' patrol ( joey wasnt there, sick): nicole in malaysia, and yingqi, not sure) so its not that whole x) hahaha, elissa very lucky only one month aft so many rounds. amy! hahaha, was like alr give birth can! so funny(:

today went to sch for farewell making.
hohoho, we had to fill up pages so started to take loads of pics.
then i came up with this crazy idea to take a picture on the evolution of mankind! cool eh! hahahaha, i know its seriously random(: so the sequence was:
(starting from the earliest form) me,elissa,joey,amy,juliana!(haha, the human form!)
it was so so funny, cause they changed roles many times, then finally, it was back to the first position! hahahaa.

ahhhh, im feeling emo again. but i shall suppress my emo-ness! because if i do not, i'll dedicate another post to my emo-ness. SUPRESS! (: i think i've suppressed it. - for a moment there.

lots of love, beverly!