bownies meet!&& ilovesee-saw!

ahhh, i wanna change skin ehs.
my current skin is old and boring. :/
but im so overly lazy to do so despite all my 'spare' time.
'spare' because i have tons of hw,just that i dont intend to start now.

ooh, today went to help out at the brownies meet thing!at holy innocents(which turns out to be esthers former sch)
(yesterday joey said that there was cip hours! which would total up to 4hours more in my cip record if i went. then asked rachelsim, she said i could go to help too. turns out theres no cip hours! me and joey felt so cheated of our feelings! goshh)
how utterly sad):
but anyhows! nevermind(:
cause it was quite fun helping out! i was mending the snack stall for like approx 2.5 hours with goat!
then esther and min like had nth to do so they asked us go to the air-con room go rest, then they take over for like the rest of the time which was like an hour.
rested inside the room,so freakin cold! like after 30mins, then went to help again(:
i was quite irritated at certain people though. and they vary. (you'll never guess who)

about 11plus we went up to the hall, had some prize presentation for the brownies cause they had some games and competition thingo.
we also received a pack of nice marshmallows as a token of appreciation for us helping their fund raising.
then helped sell as much as we could for another 30mins pluslpus. if not, miss kwek(sp?) the guider would loss money. hohoho.
in the end earned about 343plus. she kinda covered up the cost i guess. then she say she can sell to the tchs then surely can cover up(:

"pocky a dollar each!super rings going at 50cents!2 lollipops for 50cents and 50cent for a packet of chrysanthemum drink!" WHO WANTS TO BUY!(:

later, me,joey and goat decided to go to bishan park to get some wood!

turns out there were a hell load of red ants (ohmyfreakingosh). so me and joey were like super scared of getting bitten by one. it hurts :'/
i think goat got bitten! awwwww!

then we decided to 'rest' at the playground with really weird 'sand pits' haha.
we didnt actually rest! duh, i thought that was the outcome anyways.
we started jumping like some mad asses.hahaha. *bouncebouncebounce*

then played the really cool see-saw! my first time having so much fun at a see-saw!
i sat at one end, joey and goat sat at the other. (2seats at each end)
mygosh, it was so fun! esp cause the see-saw had a gigantoooo spring beneath it that made our butts fly like whoknowswhat.

then joey decided to train her muscles by 'pumping' all her energy at the end while i sat at the other end getting shaken like some crazed "seahorse" (as quoted by goat).
then goat took a video of it, i looked likee some mad cow screaming and all while joey looked equally crazed at pumping her energy in the whole see-saw! hhahahaha, was dizzy when i got off. whoa!
but uber fun! we shall come here again! (;

took bus to amk hub with joey to eat lunch then went home!
hahaha, decided on something at artbox. uber cool(:

love ya loads!

yaye BRONZE! & happy me(:
yaye, today's theme - think:POSITIVE


SYSF today, our group got bronze! (: hahahhaha, i was preettty surprised though(:
and a sec3 team got gold(like,whoa) and another sec3 team got the innovative award!

& so we got a trophy(duh)! which is like my ever first one, thus being a very proud-of-myself awardee.
too bad we cant keep it):
but we also were given a capitavoucher(:
100dollars! so its 20dollars for me(:

RI had the best institution award for the most number of winning entries. coolio!

but theres one infuriating matter. in the booklet handed out to people, the our projects title was written as : Effects of different beverages on the degregation of Vitamin C pills.
its so NOT can! its supposed to be:
Effects of different storage methods on the ripening rate of bananas.

and they are two totally different things.
but the 'wrong' project title was our first exp, which failed. so the sci tchs came up with another on, which is our winning title (:

yaye, im really proud of us guys, thanks so much! (:

okay, second matter is that i can go get the *ahem* presents *ahem* too! cause choo said that we can tend the booth at different times. though the whole of my group is going for the whole day, i'll be kinda late :X

tending the booth is boring anw, we dont even have proper places to sit lol.

yaye, third happy matter!
we got pass the interview! (though i dont know if its still a really good thing :/ )
ahhhhh, miss school :/ :/ :/ :/ :/

and im really happy because all the things i thought won't happen, happened!
(like i didnt place highh hopes on the sysf, i didnt think i could actually go to buy *ahemahem* , and didnt think i'd pass the interview)
thats why i've been abit low spirited nowadays. and im PMS-ing, but whatever.

and i realised im an overly-sensitive person, ohwells.
whats done cant be undone right?
&overly-sensitive person = emo. hahahahahaha, whatever luh.

so now, i shall be happyhappyhappyhappyhappy. & shall not care a hoots about anyone insignificant cause they are puiny, tiny and i'd squish them flat on the floor(:

love loads!
beverly :)

loads of updates!
hello! its been awhile since i've blogged. everyone's been like why didnt you blog! or eh,blog leh, i very bored.
is my blog some source of entertainment? gosh.

anyways, many things have happened and done.

first things first, all projects except for crap c-lit are done! im so freakin happy! hahahaha C:

last friday,17may08,was the yellow badge's last guides session.
i was kinda blurr though, cause until guides had started then i realised it was the last the sec four had.
and i can still remember the red badges last session too.
how time flies.....

well, im in INSPECTOR GADGET! for my camp patrol (:
theres joanna,beatrice(like last year!),me,huirou,jinny,cherida,lee bin,alicia.
beatrice may not come cause of her arm): i hope she does! haha, and may she get well soon.
pre-camps so very soon(: and so is camp!
who wants to pick wood with me! i dont wanna go alone :/

oh,and ORCHID BBQ's coming! YAYE! <3333333333
malaysia camp interview yesterday... it was omg.
and i was so happy that i didnt stutter or like blanked out cause usually i would be super nervous , but i wasnt(:
and they asked so who is the cheif commisioner. we were all ........... .
actually,i thought it was yvonne lim(which it is), just that if i had said 'yvonne lim' and if it was wrong, it would be even worse right.
the interviewer one also asked us if we knew who interviewer 3 was, what role she played in the thinking day this year. we didnt ans, then they were like shes the MC. then they were really sarcastic to us, like so you were sleeping during thinking day arh! (lol, i didnt can.not like i dared to in the first place)
but then again, cant blame them right.
we've given a really bad impression. shit.

gosh, my head feels like its bursting! ):
my ppr suck too okay. shit you physics! physics sucks sucks sucks.
if not i could have gotten so much higher. URGHHH.

my mum's so irritating. cant stand her okay.
stupid stupid stupid.

i wanna change skin! but too lazy to. hahah.

okay, shall end here. buh bye! :)

oh, and
happy13thbirthday juliana! :)

cheekopeh! life sucks.
hello friends! let me show you the trues colours of cheekopeh aka huei min! (and to prove its not a rumor that shes a pervert!)

On MSN: ( like 5mins ago)
cheekopeh: why don't you go? (for chi remedial, she means)
me: i think its a waste of time eh... like what do you even do there in the first place?
cheekopeh: worksheet lor
me: yes, see, a waste of time. i rather buy an assessment book or sth
cheekopeh: hah
cheekopeh: but fun what
me: you crazy one lah
cheekopeh: i mean you can see people changing clothes
cheekopeh: like hockey people

this is the true colours of the cheekopeh, hueimin!


im really stressed out now, but there are things that make me laugh no matter!

oh, pon and zi emo cartoons are super duper uber cute you know! like ohman, its irresistable yeah!

moniter results gonna be out soon i hope. think carrie's gonna be the next moniter(:
she said mslin gave her a hint somewhat.
hahaha cool(:

2.4 totally sucked okay.
my standard dropped lilke shit.
and lo and behold, i actually forgot that i was running my last round so i didnt freakin sprint!
or i wouldnt have got that shit timing.
i'd rather fail and do again and again.

go kim and shiying(:
you can do it! so no worries!
cause you'll always have me! hahahahaha. and friends too kays (:

and guess what i just found out. maths cm test next week. then geog soon i think.
like bloody hell, cant they give us a damn break!

whats more, my mum's giving me headaches.
i wouldnt say we're on the best terms right now.

seems the world hates me, everything's crashing down on me.
i can't take the pressure, someday i'll end it all.

yes, im an emo.
so damnit get this clear. im not that happy cheery person you know me as sometimes.
thats why , i think people can see that maybe im changing - like more emo and pissed;
i've always been like that. heck it.

ohgod, what the hell am i talking about.

like gosh, im a freaking emo. have i watched too many dramas? or read too many emo books?
i guess.

who would care anyway.

some people seem to care, but deep down, they have this mask plastered all over them.
you suck.
