
school's reopening very very soon! :D like in 3days!
BUT i havent done finish my history,Chinese,maths&physics.
maths&physics i go get someone teach me or copy or whatever. just as long as i get it in time then can already.
so im left with hist and chi. i plan to finish them by the 31st. (means 2days left!)
i can do in one day. but...,ii just dunno what to write for history!

so i dont even feel a single bit worried.
all im worried about is the eco test! &i havent even studied! gahhhhh.

im gonna go for a hair cut today! YAYE!
i hope it'll be cut exactly as i want it! not like every other time. they never fail to cut more and layer more until my hair flies around like some mad ass.

hmmm.im really sad that some people arent in the same class as me. and some people are.

new years' coming soon!

& its yutain's birthday today!


hahaha! i really needs some new tops! and pants/shorts whatever!
im always like wearing the same clothes! and their getting really old!

i need to change the whole blog already! i hate the URL. im getting tired of the blogskin too.
i need a change! just that i might not have enough time and im scared people wont relinkk me ):

okaye, gottogo now.


big fatt coward!&sch's reopening!
Christmas' overr! yesterday was.. okaye i guess(:
i think their gonna release the results for our classes today. I THINK. I HOPE(:

just went to jinny's blog. found an irritating pest that keeps going to her blog and tagg really mean stuffs. decided to give that ass a piece of my mind. i'll see whats the outcome soon(:
possibility number one: that ass would listen to me and go away forever
possibility number two: that ass would become more aggressive and start yelling at me or act smart, like what it always does at her blog.
possibility number three: that ass would completely ignore me
tell you what. i seriously hate and despise these kinda smart alec, they think their so smart!
they probably are those kinda mental people where they themselves are being bullied and have no self confidence so in order to make themselves feel smart, they go to other victims and ACT SMART.

what cowards.
what suckerrs!
what retards.

URGH. gross!

so, for all who think that we should rid of these 'people', kindly find your way to jinny's blog and give a piece of you mind to that freak- 'guest'. (see, such a coward. if it wants to spam and insult people, it should show its name).


hmm, anyways. enough about big fatt cowards.
school's reopening. i still havent done finish my homework. GAHH!
but then again, i cant wait to see all my friends again! :D


MERRY CHRISTMAS! to one&all :D

its Christmas eve today!!

yaye, pizza hut todayy! :D
&geog's not so bad after all (:
my ulcer's healing
&my flu isn't a bother anymore! turns out i have rhinitis, some kinda seasonal flu or something.
but the medicine helps (: so yaye!
everything's turning out fine as it should be.
and im happy that it is!

still very eager to find out my sec2 class(: not very eager for that year to end though :/
time sure flies!

well, i'd better go now before i start rambling about everything else!

loves, beverly :D

just a short post, i guess.
im really supposed to be slogging my guts and brain juices out now. but.. sigh.
okaye, i have totally given up on physics so when school reopens i'll find some smartypants to help (whom i'll probably also ask how to do maths) :B
hmm, i still have the book to finish reading before i can write the letter. geog is just so irritating and i seriously cant find anything about the crappy birth rates etc. &im also clueless to how im gonna draw my poster cos i dont have any info. ARGH. chinese.. i guess my mum can help me translate abit lo.
homework sucks is all i can say.

these past weeks i've been suffering every night without fail.
well, to start it off i ALWAYS have blocked nose by evening and it would last until the next day's morning or afternoon.
so every night i'll wake up every hour cos i my mouth is super dry that i have to get some water to drink.
and i get so pissed and annoyed that i'll try every kind of medicine. it doesnt work.GAHHH.
and i've been getting really weird dreams lately. really really weird ones.

one other sucky thing this week is that some mad dog named ELMO bit my hand. it bit it and didnt wanna let go okay, so i literally pulled out my hand from its mouth. it was freaking pain and bleeding profusely. a truely horrible sight. and its such a bitch, well, literally it is.
hope it'll recover before gateway or i wont be able to do anything.

my dad just came back from overseas and he earned some good money! so he's like spoiling me with like alot of expensive stuff okaye.
he bought me this pair of really cool converse shoes worth like $89.90 and he says "its okay lah". ohmygod. and he later brought me and my brother (hmm, my mum didnt go cos she was busy - awww) to sakae! <33333 style="font-style: italic;">few really expensive dishes which were 'okay' when it was in the menu, but not-so-okay when he saw the bill.
and he spent like $200 in a day.OHMYGOSH.
hahah, it doesnt happen frequently so im really happy :DD
my dad rocks! :D

my ulcer hurts )':
my nose's blocked and is making me really annoyed )':
my homework's not close to done and theres only 1 week left which is a BIG headache )':

and i really wanna thank josephine for the really nice christmas/New Year card she sent me. it was really sweet! thanks :D and i'll never forget you! HAHA (:

(this post wasnt really short after all!)
beverly :D

hellooooooooo! :D

on the 10thdec. yes, the emcee audition and song session.
song session was rather un-enthu. cos of us sec ones. :l the sec2s were like trying to make us be more enthu and stuffs.. ):
and for the audition, i really sucked. nevermind though cos im not a very drama person in the first place. abit like in between drama and keep-to-myself kind. teehee.
this audition was like redone cos the previous one only 12 people went larh.
it wasnt as many as i thought would come for it but better than last time, 16 (:
actually its also quite pathetic, its not even half the cohort!

after the audition, we played games! it was OMG damn fun!!
we played the 'a what?' game. and i seriously loved it loadds!
we also played some 'contact' game. that game was great too :D

went to amk hub with some people,

then to my grandma's house. (bleh)
im so sick of my grandma's house! whole day watch cable. i only realise now you can rot while watching tv. T&C apply: 1. at my grandma's house.

these 2weeks at my grandma's house was like a living hell. it sounds really mean, but its true.
i'd rather starve than be stuffed like a pig.
going to her house has not been any better for me at all, mentally and physically.
they just won't listen to me. and whenever i show dislike, she'll shout at me and nag nag nag.

enough bout unpleasant people and accomplices.

going to chalet today! (whoohoo)
though i somehow feel rather extra..
but got yutian and peiying! teehee :D
WILD WILD WET, here i come! (i think) o.0?

this was meant for oriole, but half their pat couldn't make it.. so i was 'invited' and then i invited friends too..
will blog about that some time later.

feeling bored.. no one's online! but exceptional lurh.. its only 7.55 in the morning.

okaye, bye!

someone help me with the hw! ; crazy woman story
hey people!

i tell you something, YOU GOTTA SAVE ME!
i still havent touched my homework or bought any of my books still!


im lame, i know. and i obviously cant do that. i probably need them to study for O's . maybe.

well, yesterday was a rather ,um , 'accomplished' day i guess.. HAHA!

went to my grandma's house again, which i have to go today, abit later when my brother has woken up.
then watched television till like 1.50pm.

met yutian at the sembawang MRT then went to the library to check about the CIP stuffs.
it wasnt much help but at least we know what we're doing now! (: haha.
went to some shops to see some stuff..
(boring actually) xP

then decided to make a trip home! (pulled yutian along) teehee! - to get my handphone.
but i have to pay for her transport fees - 90cents. (thats alot of money!)
took the MRT to admiralty then went to prime supermarket to get a milky bar chocolate to munch on. yummyyumyum!
yt got a lopllipop which costs like 40cents so i paid for her then the next time just return her 50cent can already..

went to my house from there!
(oooh, heres the more exciting part!)

when we went out of the lift at the 13th floor towards my house, we both saw this woman dragging her feet , walking in front of us ..
then i thought she was my neighbour, like she came back from camp or sth, cos she seemed really tired( from the back la, so didnt see the face)
i later realised that that person isnt my neighbour! in fact, i've never seen her before.

we both kinda freaked and like thought she was some crazy woman. (and i was really really scared and afraid that she would do anything to us)
so i said "Oh, wrong floor!" then we dashed downstairs (using stairs, duh)

when we went all the way down to the first floor i was like WHAT TO DOOO!
then yt said she was like walking around the outside of MY HOUSE. then i was really panicking! but i obviously couldnt let my dog or my house come to harm so i decided to take the risk to go up there again. (haha, so heroic man xP! )
so after much consideration, we took the lift back up to the 14th floor to see if shes still there.
so rushed up to the 15th floor, the highest level.
went to the other side's stairs cos its further away from my house than the one before.
slowly and as quietly as we could, we crept around trying to see if the crazy woman was still there.



haha. (here comes the funny part)
opened the door, dog comes rushing out. yt is super scared! haha.
got my handphone then locked the door.
walked to the lift... the i remembered OH! LATER WATCHING MOVIE! MUST BRING JACKET! (but it was cancelled in the end, blame it on my grandma- she da4 jing1 xiao3 guai4 !)
so i opened the door again, carried my dog again and took my jacket.
locked the door.
and once again at the lift, OH! DIDI'S MEDICINE (cos forgot to bring his medicine in the morning, so might as well take it now)
opened the door, carried dog and locked.

THEN! i finally went down , went to admiralty and went back to my grandma's house!
all that took like 2hours. i thought it was okay. but my grandma said i went for a very long time! though she didnt know i made a trip back home xD

10dec have song session! (yaye, got sth to do at last)
oh, who can help me print my hw arh?
nobody would print i guess :l so much ink and paper.
seriously dead larh!!!!!


life's pretty boring ; em cee audition!
life's preeeeeeeeeety boring, i guess.
well, i didnt do anything productive at all for the past one month of the holiday.
WHICH i was supposed to do part of my hw.
so i only have another month till school starts again, as a sec2 and to do my hw.
time passes really really fast when you're enjoying yourself.
and to top it all, i havent even bought my science book to study for ecology. cos i have some crap test on that.
can you believe it.

life cant get any better.

done the gateway already!
its quite okay :D
we took about 4sessions to get it done. about 17hours or so.
i think its not really as scary to walk on as the camp one :X
one reason is because im AFRAID OF HEIGHTS.
so you cant blame me if i suddenly freak out when im walking half-way.
btw, to all those height phobia-tic people, the dont-look-down thing WORKS.

im currently eating my lunch.
while worrying about the damn hw.
i cant stop thinking about it!
and the comp's not helping either.

what subjects to choose next year?...
too soon to think about this i guess.
plus i dont even know how everything works. only abit.

but one thing's sure. im NOTNOTNOT taking c-lit.
i never really cared bout that subject anyways. not even the tests (who does?) .

people come online pretty seldom now..
which is rather sad :(

patrol outing's postponed AGAIN.
another sad news )':

ohoh, went for em cee audition yesterday.
it was erm.. okay. overall.
my group had 4people, me,nienping,tabitha&xinhoon.
me: harry (seems gay?)
np: draco (evil person, haha!)
tabitha: herm.
xinhoon: ron (walau, lines easier!)

i was a total disaster okay. DISASTER.
i couldnt even remember any of my lines.
then tabitha had to like 'tell' me my lines.
super good memory!
yea, im jealous. :X

then theres this question and answer part after we auditioned.
errmmm. i cant remember anything.
ohwells. hurhurhur.

saw janicechua's group audition.
then went up to the canteen.
and lo and behold, they were gonna film a show there! cool man.
but they people were not those actors or actresses, just normal looking students.
but 3 of them looked superrrrrrr cheena.
before they started filming, i went down to the specs stand alredy.
they took so long to get started!
rah. i dont regret.

helped np with abit of her souvenir stuffs.
watched jinny's group audition.
do somemore souvenirs..
cracked alot of light sticks xDDDDD

went hub to eat the very very very nice chicken porridge! (:
np and tabitha bought fries! nice.

bought milky bar (yummyyumyum!)


byeeeee :D