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/It's A Miracle
I like to eat chocolates.Because they are addictive. & My dog tells me that Life's not fair. |
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do this quiz!
i got this quiz from some random person's blog thinking that i knew her, but i actually DONT.cos she had the same name as my friend(: HAHA(: her link's from janetan's blog. HAHA (: but anyways, i thought that this quiz was rather interesting ;) Q: NAME A FRIEND WHO'S NAMES STARTS WITH A 'S' shermaine :D Q: 4TH PERSON ON YOUR MISSED CALLS it states 'New Call' .should be from my grandma. Q: WHAT DID THE LAST TEXT MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED SAY? huhh..nvm.the bus will eventually come (: u go all the way to sambawang(its actutally sEmbawang) to collect ur food? Omgosh..sofar from janicechua! :D Q: DO YOU CHEW ON STRAWS? only when im bored&actually think of doing it ;) Q: DO YOU HAVE CURLY HAIR? NOPE! Q: WHAT IS THE NEXT CONCERT YOU'RE GOING TO? i dont think i'll even go to any concert in the next year Q: WHO'S THE COOLEST PERSON IN YOUR LIFE? ME? ;D Q: WHAT WORDS DO YOU SAY ALOT? haha (actually, i type more than i say (: ) Q: WHAT IS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? a super NICE sweet! Q: WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU SAID TO SOMEONE AND WHO WAS IT? i cant rmb. but i spoke to my mum(: Q: DO YOU WATCH TV? DUH. or i'll not be ME. Q: HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE MOVIE, DONNIEDARKO? WHATS THAT? o.0 Q: EVER BEEN HUNTING NOPE! i dont HUNT. ESPECIALLY NOT ANIMALS! Q: IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE? we'll see about that Q: WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID," I LOVE YOU" AND MEANT IT? once upon a time ... Q: WHAT SHOULD YOU BE DOING RIGHT NOW? erm, NOTHING. Q: DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? YUPP! in fact i have 2 (mainly)! beef & bever :) Q: DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? i dont think so Q: WHO'S THE YOUNGEST ONE IN THE FAMILY? my bro. Q: IS DRUG FREE THE WAY TO BE? if its the medicinal one you're talking about, NO if its the illegal one, YES ,DEFINITELY Q: DO YOU CLEAN UP NICE? clean what nice? Q: LAST TIME YOU USED A SKATEBOARD? i never tried one Q: WHERE WAS THE LAST PLACE YOU SLEPT BESIDES YOUR HOUSE? school, i think. CAMP! (: Q: EVER RUN OUT OF GAS ON THE ROAD i dont drive. lol. Q: BEST MOVIE YOU'VE SEEN IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS? i havent watched movies for a long long time xD Q: WHO DO YOU TRUST THE MOST? me? maybe. probably my mum too :D Q: DO YOU THINK PEOPLE WHO COME UP WITH BRAIN DEAD QUIZZES ARE CRYING FOR HELP IN SOME TWISTED WAY? HUH.WHAT THE HELL? LAST 1) person you saw: my mum 2) talked to on the phone: my mum, once again 3) hugged: dont rmb (should be a long long time ago ) haha 4) person you texted: i think janicechua(: TODAY 1) date: 31st october 07 2) plans: to NOT collect dinner (though i have to ): ) 3) dislikes about tomorrow: collect dinner xD CURRENTLY 1) missing someone: my dad? :X 2) mood: BORED&STRESSED TRUE OR FALSE I am a morning person: depends I am a perfectionist: sometimes ;) I am an only child: NOPE, sometimes i hope i was I am currently in my pyjamas: yupp! i'll change ltr (: i am online 24/7: nope. but recently, i am.. I am very shy around the opposite gender: hmm you guess? I can be paranoid: yupp. but not AS paranoid as some know-it-alls say i am. (which make me rather pissed) I currently regret something I have done: like eating a ton of biscuits before eating my lunch xD I enjoy talking on the phone: i enjoy talking, but not on the phone (though sometimes i talk for a long time) my ear will hurt! I have a lot to learn: DUH nobody is perfect I have a secret: not A secret.MANY secrets! but everyone has their own secrets dont they ? 5 people to do this: - kimberly - jinny - mary-anne - carrie-anne - joeytok/nienping (depends who sees first :D HAHA ) ah wells. am still bored&stressed! sigh. if someone can help me, please contact me THANKS (: I NEED A LIFE!
ARGH.my life is such a bore&rather streesed too ): I NEED A LIFE! i've been on instant noodle for lunch for the past week already. i used to love to eat instant noodles probably because i hardly ate it. but now, just at the sight of it, it just turns me off apparently, its looking so forlornly lying on the table there with the egg looking so cloudy, somehow. &im probably gonna live on this for lunch for a VERY VERY LONG TIME. i just cant get enough of this can i? URGH. then the idea of the * _______ _________. how stressful can this get?!? i cant think of anything cos of the limited space etc&that it cant be the same as before :l HOW! im so useless ))))): * no prizes for guessing correctly! & IF YOU DO KNOW WHAT IT IS, DONT REVEAL IT, OR YOU'LL GET IT FROM ME (: &i have to go to my grandma's house to collect dinner every freakin day. I CANT STAND IT ask me to wash this & clean that, JUST DONT SEND ME TO HER HOUSE. PLEASE! since its this way, i'll wash my own clothes & you wash your own. STOP ACTING SO SELFISH! & if you DO continue acting so selfishly, i'll charge you for every dinner box you get okay. HMPH. I JUST WANNA SCREAM IT ALL OUT!!!!!!! thus, I NEED A LIFE! anyone who can get me one, please contact me. THANKS(: janice's house!
yesterday i went to janice's house! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDwith kimberly,yt&of cos me! o.0 reached janice's house at 2.30pm exactly! HAHA then drank some lemon juice thingy at her house HAHA. very yumyum nice ! then there was canadian pizza! i guess deep in our hearts, we ALL wanted IT (: haha. just abit shy HAHA. but then we took one piece, yt took the part with no PINEAPPLE (NICE!) then me and kim split half ((: the pizza was NICE :DDDDDDDDDD at 3pm we went to play table tennis at an air-conditioned court! :DD but eventually played a 5 in 1 game! we played: table tennis cum floorball cum soccer cum badminton cum squash ball! HAHA (: it was damn fun kays&laughter loads :DD guess how we played these games with 3 table tennis paddles&3table tennis balls? (: && i discovered something new! yt has yet another .. PHOBIA! surprising? MAYBE o.0 she has a phobia of being hit by a table tennis ball xDD one reason is because she was constantly 'hit' by the ball. she was sth like what you call a .. squash ball wall ?HAHAHA reality HURTS. &me&kim also became the news reporters of the 'AGGRESSIVE DUO' HAHAHAHA! & we also have a jue2 zhao1 when the game's heated up ;) after a crazy time there, we went to the mama shop downstairs to buy tidbits ((: i think janice treated me to milky bar with cookie chips (: $1.50 or do i have to pay her back? -.= then we went to a playground & played catching for awhile (: i was the catcher for the first round xDD then i stood on the swinf or it was too low then my legs kept hitting the ground OUCCH. then janice kept pushing me! i was screaming like shit okay. as in really damn loud till you could hear the echo! i have a phobia of heights, you cant blame me kays! plus it felt somewhat unstable, you cant blame me ;) took some photos(: yay! (we'll take more on friday when we go for the games comm mtg((: ) i'll post the pictures soon! :D then we went to the other playground to like talk ((: about.. GUIDES <3 then later we went up & played speed for awhile (: FUNN! we supposedly had POPCORNS to eat, but they became chao4 ta1 HAHA (: nvm((: IT WAS A SUPER FUNFUN DAY! (: nov schedule;HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!
i gotta work out my schedule for november or i might forget, & i dont want that to happen (:so you can totally ignore this part of the post cos this is kinda like for my own reference :D 13th : games comm mtg! :D - family lounge - 10am to ?? - bring $2 to pay for the gloves - meet janice at ycj mrt(CHEERS!)at 0925am 15th : oneCHARITYohseven class party/bbq! <3 - 1pm to ?? - EAST COAST! - area C BBQ pit 29! 16th : go back to school! - hall - 1045am (reporting time) to ?? : go out with MA and the rest? 19th : PRE-CAMP! - school - 8am to 1pm : KIMBERLY'S BIRTHDAY! :D 20th : PRE-CAMP! - school - 8am to 1pm : family going to genting. (WHAT ABOUT ME?! D: ) 21st : PRE-CAMP! - school - 8am to 1pm 27th : orchid patrol outing ? (((((: - east coast? * swallow sleepover date not decided yet * gateway mtgs? not sure. DON'T IGNORE THIS PART OF THE POST! :DDDDD HAPPY (early) BIRTHDAY TO : MARY-ANNE! :D 5thnovohseven LUI ZHU! :D 5thnovohseven LOK YIN! :D 15thnovohseven (i only got to know her birthday. as in really NOW) AH MENG!/MONK!/SERENA! :D 17thnovohseven WANTING! :D 14thnovohseven KIMBERLY! :D 19thnovohseven JOEYTOK! :D 20thnovohseven &&! LENNY the dog! <33333 8thnovohseven! he's turning 8! which means he'll be (in human yrs) 40! HAHA. ilovemydog. (gah, i love the colour combi) *sorry if your name's not here (: but anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO :D okay, yay. i feel happy (: later going to janice's house with yt&kim (: PLAYPLAYPLAY! :DDDDD get me addicted!
i gotta stop my addiction&obsession with blogthings alreadythey are like jamming up my posts&stuff )): its like when o ne day i happy happy wanna post sth, the stupid blogthings get into my mind. & then! i'll start the craze inside of me & start with all the postings of blogthings AGAIN! but 2 mian reasons why i do the blogthings : 1. im freakin bored (SO HELP ME!) 2. i get to know myself better ;) (BUT SOME ARE DAMN FAKE - as in its like random pick kind) SO HELP ME! I NEED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE. GET ME ADDICTED TO SOMETHING ELSE, PLEASE. - okay, maybe not REALLY addicted yt kinda got me ideas to do other stuff. but it just doesnt work for me. so oh wells ): blogthings!
okay! more blogthings! HAHA.i know i being retarded doing all these blogthings&stuff lah HAHA. but its because im like so over obsessive! RAHS. plus im oh so very bored. its also because i can like somehow know myself better :DDDDD so... OH WELLS! :D
the 'few hidden messes' should be my sofa xDD
this is rather interesting (;
woohoo! ~ i wanna live till a ripe old age ;D (not looking that old of course (; )
hmmm.i kinda get it&kinda dont get it. hahas(:
i think so too ! :D i better stop. haha. i feel so .. I DUNNO HOW TO EXPLAIN! blogthings!
more blogthings! im just so very addicted of it (:
- i've got a splitting headache now ): -
thats like so true!
i've never taken drugs before okay! or even thought or it xDD unless you're talking ablout the ones that you eat when you're sick (:
but seriously, some of the questions were serious crap!
why not a SWALLOW? :DDDDD
i know i've done this before, but my mood needs a little green now(: cos this quiz mostly depends on what you're feeling now. HAHA :D
AHH! i still wanna be a vet/doctor kays. but! one thing obviously true for me is the part about the worst career options. HAHA. i hate analytical stuff! xDD
i think i did this quiz before! & the result seems to be the same ;D
peanut butter&jelly sandwiches are nice ((; yeah im a bit trashy and low-class at times, but definitely not the tattoo parlor kind!
the questions they asked were either total crap or im just really tat smart. it made my headache worse!
i seriously think that picture sucks. oops!
okay, i shall stop being obsessed with blogthings and STOP! - not forever! only for this post HAHA (: last day of school! ):
hmm. i dont really know what to say though but i really want to say something and wanted to say like a million things before that, some which i decided not to say.i think i shall put everything in point form.hmm. HAHA :D 1. had patrol mtg in the morning & decided to get a patrol tee :DDDDDDDDDDDD 2. we kinda also decided to have a patrol outing:DDDDDDDDDDDDD 3. ONECHARITY'S class had also been seized by sec3justice, causing us not to have our very dear class for the last day of school ))))))))))): 4. had this long,oh-so-very long, talk about environmental issues. OOH. cant stand long boring talks, no offence. 5. END OF THE DAY! - oh,& teacher gave us toblerone chocolates! :DDDDD my totally changed to liquid form so i froze it and ate it! MMMMM (: 6. had lunch&hanged out around the school. &also talked about some ghosts stuff, though i told a rather lame&'funny' one. HAHA xD apparently,HOYUTIAN,likes to go 'LALALALALA'&cover her ears at the same time we're talking about the ghosts. I HAVE A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR HOYUTIAN, WILL YOU JUST CHILL?! haha (: 7. oh, fall in again, alone! but sec2s came (: only sec3s didnt ): AHHH! i hate joeytok for abandoning me okay (: then when PLs&PS supposed to do the s[pot check thing all the PS fall out to chaeck except me. as in i stood there like some kinda extra can. i felt so retarded. BOO ME. 8. oh!&i joined the games comm thingy for next year's sec one orientation. HAHA. i didnt want to be too bored during the hols lah. but i think its gonna be really FUNN! :DDD haha. most of the gateway secones joined :DDDDD haha (: the 3 most depressing things about the holidays! )))))))))))))))))))))): 1. i'll have to do a ton of holiday homewor, some of which might be put in sectwo PPR :O 2. i'll have to buy lunch&collects dinner everyday DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: 3. i'll be bored to death! ): - the most depressing of the 3 is actually no.2! ))))))))): the collection of the damn dinner&buying of the lunch. i'd rather starve to death kay. OH! i hate that extra!(i tried to put her name inside but it was visible): oh wells. ) she seriously sucks okay. ROAR. no offence to anyone who minds me saying this. but she does suck a whole lot okay. shes just out to spoil people's day. LIKE MINE. whats her prob?! she thinks she can butt in without permission and treat as if shes like part of us? TOO BAD, ACCESS DENIED. im still rather sad that its the last day of school. sigh. i dont wanna be a sec2 lah. secone is good enough:D &i love my class! :D BEVERLYLOVESONECHARITY '07 ONECHARITYLOVESBEVERLY! :D i'll never forget the times we've shared! :D YAY. im sad&happy :D buy fiesta 08 tickets from me! (:
im gonna start my PROMOTION OF SELLING MYFIESTA 2008 TICKETS! SO COME BUY FROM ME! its on: 29th march 2008 , Saturday (np's birthday.hint hint.) time at: 9am to 5pm venue: st.nicks! :D (map will be included!) see, im so efficient so COME BUY FROM ME! & anyone who sees this&is also selling, dont snatch my customers ! NO LAH, IM JUST JOKING (: HAHA :DDDDD wheeee!~ so excited about the fiesta! i lovelovelove selling food and stuff :DDDDD ITS SUPER FUN! WOOOTS! I CANT WAIT! last year's fiesta was A BLAST! 6WISDOM'07 ROCKED THE FIESTA! WE SOLD MAI4 YA2 TANG2 ! :D WOOOOOOOOOOH! SCHOOL'S GONNA END IN 2 DAYS ): SEC 2S GONNA BE MORE STRESS): &I WANT MY CLASS NOW! :DDDDD YAY. ONECEEEOHSEVEN FOREVER! :D anw BUY FIESTA TICKETS FROM ME! :DDDDD THANKS (: *contact me if you wanna buy tickets from me okay (: or if you have any qns(: ** i've just changed my HP number so come ask me for it if you dont have it kays (: im a bloody killer! &more!
UUUURRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!IM SO PISSED WITH MY MUM OKAY! BLAHS. whatever.i heck care. IM A BLOOOOODDDDYYYYYYYYY KILLERRRRRRRRR! IM A BLOODY KILLER! IT HAPPENED LIKE THIS. yesterday, during morning assembly, me&qixuan saw this black beetle thing. i thought it was rather gross and stuff at first but found it kinda 'cute' in a way. like it was crawling around. so adorable! so,with my very retarded brain, i decided to name it TIMMY THE BEETLE! but at some points it just stopped moving,like just STONED there. so i tapped my feet in front of it hoping it would move again. &it did! i did this about 2 times & it worked! BUT!!!!!!!! DOOMDOOMDOOM! when i was doing the tapping of feet for the 3rd time, it moved towards my feet but i was rather slow in reacting and too engrossed in tapping that when it moved front, I STEPPED ON IT! then benita,qixuan,valerie&all were like OMG kinda reaction can. i was a bloody killer! poor timmy had no head left, it was detached. oh the dreadful sight! DDDDDDDDDDDDD: SORRY TIMM!Y! dont come back & find me! REST IN PEACE. WOOOTS! orchidPATROL MEETING'S TMR! it'll be the last for this year ): we only had like i think 4 orchid mtgs since june this year. woots. so little. HAHA. & tmr will also be the last guides session for this year on school days ): then the sec2s&HCL sec3s will not be coming. WOAH. think the sec1s will be doing out total def individual presentation la. i dont like presentations, one reason is because i CANT SIT STILL! i'll be so very bored. ): but i'll try my best to pay attention. it probably wont last. HOPEFULLY it does (: AHHHH. so many problems ! ): this life is so depressing! URGHHHHHH. i really wish i could fly farfar away. ROARS. :D blogthings!
im a kid.what do you expect? too mature(as in erm. 25++years arnd there) for my age is kinda freaky for me. you need to have some FUNN! ~ :D
MMMM! i love love white chocolates the best okay! im certainly NOT A FLIRT.
HAHA. i give hand-made stuff for sure when i get stuff for people's birthday presents (:
HUH! im a loner!?! xD i dont see life as a game of strategy okay. maybe
AHHH! i wanna be a vet than anything else! but these jobs are okay (:
the pic is GREAT! the dog's damn cute. HAHA.
AHHHH! not the counselor, politican thing again! look at quiz before the previous one xD i still wanna be a vet (:
HAHA. B for Beverly! :D whos B and AB? take this quiz and tell me your 'inner blood type!' :D haha. leonardo Di carprico and WHAT!
the thought of PIZZA makes me hungry! :D i DO do ordinary stuff probably BECAUSE IM ORDINARY oh WOW, im not vulgar eh? well, look at the post below!
human face-d eggs look freaky.
black comedy sounds kinda morbid.
blahblahblahblah im getting bored,
HAHA. very funny alright.
the pic looks so serene! NICE! :D
its nice!
HAHA. i think i used to call it a horse-man thingy. xD that was when i didnt know what it was.
THIS PIC RAWKS. gtg sleep now. tmr have patrol mtg (: HAHA.yay ! :DDDDD HES A FREAK!
i cant stand it so i have to bloody write it! or i'll so regret it.I CANT STAND TO FREAKIN HELL OF THAT BROTHER OF MINE! i wish i could just throw him like into the bin and treat it like HE HAS NEVER EXISTED BEFORE. he sucks. BIGG TIME. i mean, seriously, you'll die one fine day even looking at his disgusting disfigured face! EVEN I CANT STAND HIM. I DONT KNOW HOW MY MUM DOES IT, BUT WITH HIM SHES ALWAYS, I MEAN ALWAYS, AT A DISADVANTAGE. DOES HE BLOODY THINK HES THE KING OR STH!?! WELL THEN I MUST BE THE DEAD! TOO BAD IM NOT OKAY! SO STOP THINKING THAT YOU'RE SOME BLOODY KING SHOUT AND SCREAM ALL YOU WANT. LIKE I CARE!!!!!!!!! SO CANT YOU JUST DISAPPEAR LIKE RIGHT NOW!???!!! LIKE ONE -POOFFF- AND YOU'RE GONE! I CANT STAND YOU& THATS THAT!!!!!!!!!! i'll stop about this bloody shit. & my anger's supposedly simmered down ABIT. but it hasnt. so pardon me if im using all the bloodys,shits, hells and etc. but,seriously, the thought of it makes me wanna strangle him dead!!!!!!!1 hes a bloody freak hes a bloody freak he a big fatt bloody freak hes a big fat freakin bloody fat ass who cant accept the truth that he is. URRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHhh. now.im still damn PISSED with that ass! but i shall stop shitting bout him. hes just not worth. i shall be happy! hmm.. HAPPY THINGS. HAPPY THINGS. i cant think of any bloody thing when that idiot is flooding my mind!!!!! CHILLLLL. HAPPY THINGS BEVERLY, HAPPY THINGS todays STTD rehearsal was HAPPY (: YAY i LOVVEE THE CHOIR MAN! CHOIR RAWWKKS! we sound so good you could go deaf! hopefully we'll pull through tmr, & WIN!!!!!!! WOOTS~ GO CHARITY! ~ GIVE ME ONE MACHO CLAP ! i still don feel happy enough. im actually more ANGRY than happy. GGRRR. curse that idiot ass of his. oh! one more happy thing! THERES LIKE FINALLY THE VERY LAST ORCHID PATROL MTG ON THE LAST WEEKK OF SCHOOL. BUT I WONT BE THERE FOR THE LAST SWALLOW MTG! ): thats one sad news. BUT SWALLO'S GONNA HAVE A SLEEPOVER! :DDDDDDDD NO ONE COPY! ITS STRICTLY COPYRIGHTED! &THERES PRE-CAMP! WOOTS! AHHHH. I'VE GTG NOW. BUT! IM STILLL DAMN ANGRY WITH THAT ASS . SO TO LIGHTEN MY MOOD. HMM. I SHALL DO THE OH-SO;-RANDOM BLOGTHINGS! ITS LIKE SUPER CHEAT SOMETIMES, BUT SOMETIMES TRUE! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD QUESTION&ANSWER! :)
I MEANT TO DO THIS A VERY LONG TIME AGO BUT KEPT FORGETTING :/SORRY CARRIE! SO HERE IT IS! MAKE SURE YOU READ IT! :DD List out your top 5 birthday presents you wish for: - a new phone! - new spectacles! - my very own laptop! - a new sling bag! - for everyone to live HAPPILY EVER AFTER! 1. the person who tag you is? i dont get this. but i'll put the last person who tagged me. MAG. 2. your relationship with her/him is? my classmate? 3. Your 5 impressions of her/him: - crazy :) - over hyper sometimes - dark chocolate? xDD - talk ALOT. (of crap) JKJK! - talks- very very loud. 4. the most memorable thing she has done for you? i dunno. LIKE SPRAYING THE BODY SHOP THING IN MY MOUTH! 5. the most memorable words she has said to you? i cant rmb! oh well (: 6. if he/she becomes your lover, you will? NOT IN A GAZILLION YEARS! IM NOT LES KAY. 7. if he/she becomes your lover, things she has to improve on will be? SHE WILL NEVER BE! 8. if he/she becomes your enemy, you will? HAHA. I'VE NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS. i will... ignore her for the rest of my life? xDD 9. if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be? hmm. did something really evil hat i cant stand? though i dont think it might happen (: 10. the most desired thing you want to do for her now is? NOTHING! can you just STOP asking bout her!??! 11. your overall impression of her is? OH SHIT. ITS MAG!(im joking!) I DONT KNOW OKAY! 12. how do you think people around you will feel about you? IM LIKE DAMN NICE :DD 13. the character you love of yourself is? the very friendly side (: 14. on the contrary, the character you hate of yourself is? the retarded-ness. 15. the most ideal person you want to be is? the very friendly&nice one! xD 16. for people that care and like you, say something to them "HAHA!THANKS! TO YOU TOO! :DD " 17. pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you: 1. kimberly yang! 2. jinny seow! 3. nien ping! 4. joeytok! 5. janetan! 6. janicechua! (her blog is like DEAD!) - hopefully she will blog again (: 7. mary-anne ! (OOPS! i havent added her link yet xDD ) 8. my friends from mars? 9. my friends from jupiter? 10. limxinhui (she doesnt even know of this blog, i guess) -anw, shes so very busy :/ who is no.6 having relationship with? - chocolate and vanilla! is no.9 a male or female? - i dont think they are males and females if no.7 and 10 are together, - that can so NEVER HAPPEN how about no.8 and 5. - MAYBE what is no.2 studying about? - her cheng2 yu3. - so forced! when was the last time you had a chat with no.3? - like last friday after guides (: what kind of music band does no.8 like? - mars sounds? xDD does no.1 has any siblings ? - nope! Will you woo no.3? - FOR THE VERY LAST TIME, IM NOT LES. & NEITHER IS SHE. how about no.7? - WHATS YOUR PROB! - NO LES! is no.4 single? - duh. what’s the surname of no.5? -TAN. - its alr up there. what's the name of no.10? - xinhui. what's the hobby of no.4? - being mushroom head-ed? do no.5 and 9 get along well? - i think so (: where is no.2 studying at? - SNGS! in the class of one ceeeeeee! talk something casually about no.1? - kimberly is MAD! - very casual (: have you tried developing feelings for no.8 - probably. where does no.9 live at? - JUPITER! like at this gigantic mansion-like house (: Are no.5 and 1 best friends? -Erm, nope. but they ARE friends (: does no.7 likes no.2? - YEPP! how do you get to know no.2? - in the same class and also in GUIDES! :DDDDD does no.1 have any pets? - nope! - shes like PET-FREE. - especially CATS! THIS IS THE END! &BY THIS TIME, YOU SHOULD HAVE REALISED THAT IM VERY LES- FREE (: my blog's done! guides (: & sing to the dawn!
HELLO! :D im done with my new blog! AND I LOVEEE IT !AHHHHHHH! had to take place of elissacos she had to mark attendance! everyone else in my patrol wasnt here too so I WAS *VERY MUCH ALONE *VERY MUCH ALONE is because - LOOK DOWN - (: i was supposed to do spot check and stuff. i turned around & saw kar yee :DDDDDDDDDD i asked" HUH! what are you doing here!" she said that she didnt know where to stand and stuff cos she also was the only one in her patrol xD so later there was this space beside me then she just like stood there with me. blah. and guess wat, i was standing at the wrong place. - i was standing with the birds coy xD im so retarded. but anyways last week's guides was a BLAST! IM SO HAPPY! cos i passed 2 of my first logbooks! :DD & we had street directory test. I HOPE I PASS (: but i havent got back my road safety test yet ): i think they'll give next week (: speaking about next week.... ITS THE LAST SESSION OF GUIDES THIS YEAR ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))): its totally depressing can. &sec 2s are not going ): plus theres not gonna be any school after that week. im gonna be bored bored bored but good news! theres gonna be CAMP one the 21ST-23RD NOV! - or pre-camp :D haha. BAND'S NOT E ONLY ONE WITH CAMP! i wont be THAT bored after all :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD sing to the dawn performance is coming up. woots! im ready and i m not ready. i cant freakin memorise the lyrics for breaking free! cos theres like so many " we're breaking free! we're soarin, flyin' " that part. and i dont know where exactly must i sing that. BOO and when you're gone has gotta be one of the best. cos im in lovvee with that song! umbrella is okay (: at the other song.. i forgot :O GO ONE CHARITY! :DDDDD im so very in lovveee! with you are the music in me i like the part most when she sings solo at the front and also the chorus (: blogthings!
saxophone? right.
i love cookies! i love the monster! i love cookie monster! i know mag will want elmo. HAHA (:
RED! but i like lime green better. but red is nice too! :D i wonder who the green person is xD
why would i even watch star trek. no offence. its a total bore to me :/
i DO have empathy for animals (:
i dont like jade): but EMEMBER MY BIRTHDAY! JULY 15TH
i thought i was a rather emo person xD
haha.so zilian can.
im feeling super HIGH!
what the. im so NOT wickedly cunning can . im nice la! (:
im kinda shocked xD
orange is nice (:
YUMMYUMM! i lovee Japanese food! im not strange, am i? |