i know i really shouldn't be here. but i havent been here for a VERY LONGLONG TIME xD like since 2plus weeks ago. OMG. im supposed to study for history EOY test! but im not. see, that the prob! and i only made a quarter page of notes. which is extremely PATHETIC. but its so very boring. i think i might fall asleep half way through. thats what almost happened with me and my dearest geog notes.
i think i might do well for my chem commontest 6(: or maybe not :( BUT I HAVE FAITH :DD but must mugmug harder for science EOY tests! IM BORED--yawn.
just realised that this year ended REALLYREALLY FAST! BOO. i can actually remember the first day of school. and the first guides session!-i remember when we were sitting with our patrols for the first time, i was sitting probably beside a sec2, then rebecca on my right, yutian(i think) on her right and janicechua on her righ. HAHA. oh! then xh wiped some paint on xm-then i think she was kinda irritated xD WOOTS.
and after almost a year, my very wonderful class is as noisy,or rather, ENTHU as ever :DD
i believed the message has already been passed around or that you have checked the guide board :DD

i shall try to update my blog soon(: probably after EOY review test or somewhere around there :DD

BYES! :)

holidays are SAD :(
this whole holiday is DEPRESSING.
i'd rather be in school all day long.
not only is this BORING.
i have to study. im going crazy doing all the notes.

and a mad women called me.
omg i wish i could lock her up in woodbridge.

that FREAK wasted all my money in my phone ! what the hell lah. im like freakin pissed off.
and to prevent anyone like that FREAK to call me again(with the old no.) , i shall change my hp no.!
and so sorry to those people who couldn't get me on my hp.thanks for your very kind understanding :D

and my comp's gone bust. it really sucks. i want and NEED a laptop :D - my own.so that that brother of mine doesnt go crazy and totally crash it. :))
unfortunately,i'll probably have to wait 10 years down the road to use my own money to buy it):

OH! and i love kim! she bought me a zinc bag! :DD though i paid $10. HAHA
yt, dont be jealous(: anw, u already got your FBTs!

oh,and that day when we went to buy and go kim's house, we went to j8 too.
and then meet alot of sec2 guides man.
sorta 'running' away from them . HAHA.
hmm.i rmb seeing carol,kaiying,jia hua,wenjing,and alot alot.

and im going to her house this fri again! :DD
her house is serious PARADISE!
its like so darn nice lahh!! and then got so much candy! DELICIOUS (:
and she can cook. haha. i cant ):
my egg break inside the pot; BURST-the yolk
hers is like so perfect can. NOT FAIR ):
me and yt wanna go by the pool to eat(: but kim don want. oh well .

haha. oh! and my mum is so bribing me to do the housework!
-okay, i sound so unfilial. but!!!!! i never do it so often plus! i need to study kay!
but i earned 20bucks! :DD
1.mopping the freaking entire house- never knew it was so tiring. and i never expected that my dog pee-ed on the floor(usually he doesnt)!! then i have to go clean like with this cloth with darn alot of holes. my god. it was gross.
2.washing all the dishes. - it was like a mountain okay!-cos it hasnt been washed for ??? HA
3.take down the dried clothes.-okay,this might sound and seem simple.but its not!!!!!
no 1. it was on the ceiling. - so high!
no 2. when i did this last time, the whole bamboo stick with the clothes totally crashed down onme! damn pain lah.
no 3. this time, pratically ALL crashed on me. got bruises man.
4.hang the wet clothes outside. - okay, i practically took like 45mins lah! ...
no 1. im damn scared of heights. and guess what? im living on the 13floor.when i look down, its scary;like you're gonna drop down. LOL
no. 2 not enough clips to clip the clothes! guess what? there were more in some isolated corner in the kitchen. but i already did the hanging! so im not gonna do it again.

so yay! got my 20 bucks like this (:

hmm.i think i can earn more if i charged my mum for the effort of going to buy lunch in the scorching sun and heavy rain and for the dinner where i have to go to my grandmas hse.

its damn tring! I HATE ITT! i want school please!

the stupid comp disk-putting part cant open! -im so gonna force it. but how? hmm.
i think its jammed or sth. oh no!

oh! i just realised this should be my studying time.
ahhh. heck it. i dont often come online anws. and yt isnt here ): she would usually be when im not.HAHA.

okay. i shall be back soon! i try (:
