
Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC

"Back in black, I hit the sack,

I've been too long, I'm glad to be back"

Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos.

But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last!

i never heard of THAT SONG :D

You Are a Dalmation Puppy

Kind, bright, and very energetic.

Firemen love to pat your little head.

im a dalmation! oh man so cute! but a pom would be better ;)

oops. gotta go now! TO KIMBERLY'S HOUSE! :DD



whats wrong with me ?
im bored bored bored.
but going to kimberly's house later! with yutian (:
i know i should be studying/doing homework.

i ALMOST went to school! if not for my long lost watch, or i'll already be on the way home FROM school .LOL.

i LOVE making cards :D

oohoh. and ystd. when i went to 3j to help mary-anne hand up her stress management logbook,cos she like need to go home or sth.
then called stephanie. she seemed very happy and stuff.& very smile-ly.
not until i said 'mary-anne's stress management logbook' - her face went all --oh no. not another one-- that kinda face.
so funnaye! :DD

oh! and i HATE that stupid spagetti goretti sng.
she sucks like shit la okay!
i mean,come on, who likes her.SERIOUSLY.

ahahaha! so much hw. dunno how to do.
so much to study! im damn lazy.

URGHH. i must buck up.seriously. i dropped in my PPR! i suck. im so angry and sad.
& i really suck in maths and geog,especially.

i have a really unfortunate feeling that i'll fail my stress logbook. need more info mah.

and i hope i pass the second one. :DD

so xian. i hate tests. they say sec one no exam.
but whats the diff?!! we now have more tests and more projects.
thats so crap.

ai ya. i feel so empty.
i think im going crazy. HAHA.

byebye! :DD


SAD ):
okay. hmm. what shall i start on? my blog's really dead and this CANT GO ON (:

well,first things first,IM SICK OF THAT GUY WHO TOOK OVER MRS TEO ! he keeps crapping bout pointless stuff,saying its important,and making everybody dropping dead ! i find it so crap and feel like telling him in the face "will you just get on with the lesson already?! shut up cos i dont really care okay! " but obviously i couldnt. all i could do was sit and stare. like stoning. well, thats great alright.
now what? he doesnt have enough time for the lesson because hes crapping too much that WE,the poor girls,have to do extra hw!-when its supposed to be done DURING LESSON.
this is crap okay. i cant stand him already! im gonna drop dead in his lesson.
i cant even sleep or draw or whatever! because we're "supposed to look at him when he talks." -or rather, stare and not know what he's talking about when we are pretending we are.
oh well,life has to go on doesnt it? -sigh-

music is still a bore. i hate the guiter.

and im sad to say that,after 13 whole years of living my life,i dont even know ME.
it seems complicated,but its as easy as it can get,really.
the 'knowing yourself logbook',which i had to do,says it all.
it seemed really easy at first and i was really enthu bout doing it thinking that i could fill a million pages bout myself.
in the end.
i had to rack my head before doing half.
and i realised that i had to put in more,which i didnt.
oh crap.
can this day get any better ?
i didnt do the maths hw.i really hack bout the english one. and the D&T.-i totally forgot.
but i cant do it now. because:
1. i dont even know where on earth my maths tb is.
2. like i care bout that english hw we were supposed to do in class.
3. i dont have a freaking normal comp and printer to do it! -dont wish to elaborate (:

now i gotta get stationery,my street directory , a file.

-vomits blood- this is sure one 'fun' weekend,not to be missed.-cos i cant

byebye! shall find time to blog again :D

too little time
yo!am gonna post a short one cos i have loads of things to do and i havent even started :O
though i know i havent been posting for a long time ):

list of things i have to do: CME individual essay B guides test logbook
special note* my computer is spoilt! how do i do it!?? im so dead
4.get guide uni ready
5.write out notes for guides test
so many things to do in such little time!
i'll just burn mid-night oil then.well,if my mum allows.

and im already tired.just great.

are we still having an orchid blog now? hmm. i wonder.

thurs didnt have orchid patrol mtg. sad. :(

i think i need to loosen up abit.
the thought of all the work im gonna have to do is killing me.

ahhh.gotta go now ((:



You Are a Bit Prissy

From time to time you can be a princess, but these days, who isn't a little high maintenance?
You know what you want, and you're definitely not afraid to ask for it.
(Just refrain from having a temper tantrum if you don't get your way!)
There's nothing wrong with having high standards... as long as they're occasionally low enough to allow spontaneity and fun!


You Are a Good Girl!

You're into fun - but it has to be your own brand of fun
Drinking? No thanks. You rather spend your time differently...
Whether it's talking with friends, taking up a hobby, or reading
You're not the type to socialize just for socializing's sake!


You Are 70% Extrovert, 30% Introvert

You are quite outgoing
You are a social connector - you know a ton of people
While you aren't a wild extrovert, you are a great talker
A fantastic storyteller, you keep everyone laughing

Your Inner Color is Yellow

Your Personality: Life's too short not to have fun. Your bright energy brings joy and laughter to those around you.

You in Love: A total flirt, you need a lot of freedom to play. But you'll be loyal to that one person who makes you feel safe.

Your Career: You love variety in a job, and you probably won't stick with one career. You would make a great professor, writer, or actor.


You Were Pretty Average This Year

You Were 55% Naughty, 45% Nice

You tried to be a good girl this year...
But as you know, being good isn't that fun!
If you're extra sweet, you may have enough time to get on that nice list.


You are a Rocker Girl!

If you don't have musical talent, you've got a talent for picking out great CD's.
Music rules your life - and you've got the best MP3 collection of anyone you know.
Many guys find you intimidating, but a select few think you're the catch of a lifetime.
Start hanging out in more used record stores, and you'll find love with a fellow rocker!

i know i ROCK ! xD

You Are 92% Pure

You're so pure ... you make a nun look like a whore!
There's a lot of life's dark side left for you to experience... if you want to.

Your Blogging Type Is the Private Performer

Your blog is your stage - with your visitors your adoring fans.
At least, that's how you write with your witty one liners.
And while you like attention, you value your privacy.
You're likely to have an anonymous blog - or turn off comments.

not totally true. LOL xD


You Are: 80% Dog, 20% Cat

You and dogs definitely have a lot in common.
You're both goofy, happy, and content with the small things in life.
However, you're definitely not as needy as the average dog. You need your down time occasionally.

I LOVEE DOGGS <3 align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="350">You Are 30% Boyish and 70% Girlish
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.


You Are 68% Perfectionist

You are a true perfectionist. You are both demanding of yourself and others.
While it's great to have goals and standards, they don't need to be sky high!

i particularly picked this test cos DEW said that i was a perfectionist when we were painting the gateway dragon xD

Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!


You Are As Cool As They Come

Rational and relaxed, no one could accuse you of being dramatic.
You roll with the punches, and nothing ever gets you too worked up.
You are able to maintain perspective and see the big picture.

And even if you're emotional inside, you don't let it show.
You're great at keeping it together, and you're rewarded for that.
People see you as an ideal friend, employee, and partner.


Your Attitude is Better than 60% of the Population

You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.

You Are Bold And Brave

But daring? Not usually?
You tend to like to make calculated risks.
So while you may not be base jumping any time soon...
You are up for whatever's new and (a little) exciting!

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.



Your Life Is Worth...


tse yings birthday party! & WORK.
yesterday went to tse ying's house for her birthday party (:
mag,jia en,beatrice was also there. vanessa&valerie didnt go ): (probably busy or sth lah)

her house damn 3 levels.LOL.mine only 1;HDB.
then she got turtle,fish&hamsters(: i dont like turtles. & 1 escaped. LOL
her neighbour has a dog ((((((: OMG.its damn CUTE! its like a puppy or sth.HAHA.

jia en to drank salted coke.EXPIRED? HAHA.
tastes like the sea but with coke-ish taste. :p
the salt is to get rid of the gas-sy stuff.
so cheem.NOT. xDxD

lunch was NICE :DD

then went swimming.though i cant. xD
played marco polo(is that how you spell it ? xD )
*can only play at the shallower side.if not i will drown.haha.
tried over-turning people on the floating boat.HAHA.

ate ice-cream cake!
omg;it tasted almost heavenly!

went home (:

is giving me stress!

is giving me even more stress!


my brother sucks can.
he spoilt the comp.
&now i have to go other people's house to do ALL THE WORK.
PROBLEMATIC BROTHER. awaiting yuwei to come back!HAHA :DDDDD


-what i've been looking for- BORED.
these are nice lyrics (:

its hard to believe
that i couldn't see
you were always right beside me

thought i was alone
with no one to hold
but you were always right beside me

this feelings like no other

i want you to know
i've never had someone that knows me like you do
the way you do

i've never had someone as good for me as you
no one like you

so lonely before i've finally found
what i've been looking for.

-high school musical.what i've been looking for.-


im so bored now lahh.

the stress management logbook is giving me stress man!
definition of stress is it the dict? your own? or WHAT!

some more my printer cant print.ITS SPOILT. LIKE OMG.

ART!sucks.teacher want the stupid uniform dunno what erm.EXPLANATION.ITS CRAP!

byebyebye! :)

HEYYS PEEPS! im back yea!

had fever before guides last friday.
could my day have gotten any worst?
well, YES&NO.
i did the whole of drills without feeling too much of being sick (:
i have a feeling we suck at marching. hohohumm.
and not very good in a whole squad,that is.though some people are good at drills,i guess.

ASEAN test worried me most.
actually,it was quite easy o.O
i failed my rules of health test by 4marks!
wa lao.i suck okays? year must it was not the super difficult could i have. ah.heck.

i hope i pass ASEAN (:

did appropriate attire test with janicechua(:
we write 'long essays' hor? HAHA.LOL. stephanie is funnaye!
we were like the last to hand up kaes.

must do stress management logbook :p
13th aug must hand up.haha.

went home taking dew's dad's car to the khatib mrt with joey.
peiying&nienping also took the car.
so dew sat in front.
the arrangement at the back,from left to right,facing the front is:
beverly(me),joey,peiying,nien ping.

they asked me a funny qns. "beverly,why you so quiet?"
i replied " nothing to say?" -laughs-
then started to talk abit. hoho.LOL

but seriously,i talk alot meh?
okay.maybe i do lah.ALOT OF CRAP.LOL.

anw,me & joey ran for the stupid bus.
bus waited for us (: yay-ness.

drama class last friday was SUPER EMO. abit funny.but damn SADD :(
verbs cried.LOL.

guiter test thingy coming up.its crap lah.URGHH.

shall try to survive this weekend.BYES! -waveswaveswaveswaveswaves-