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/It's A Miracle
I like to eat chocolates.Because they are addictive. & My dog tells me that Life's not fair. |
Never a beginning, There can never be a Stop. talktalktalk;
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USCarrie Jinny Joeytok Kimberly LiJuan Mary-Anne NienPing SarahFang Shermaine Zioedy Chinpei Elissa Ethel Lokyin;kiwi! Trina HIBISCUS! ORCHID! SWALLOW! SNGG! 1CHARITY07 2GRACE08 backbackback;
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been too lazy to blog recently.NOT.its really because that selfish brother of mine is using it. *im just trying to MAKE IT SOUND NICE. & guess what? my mums on his side too!GREAT.just GREAT. she claims that everything is SHARED. what she really means is-YOUR BROTHER'S. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD?! when i wanna use the comp,she says,NO. when he wants to use the comp,she says,YES. &he just plays for the whole day,not with a care if theres a bomb in the house or watever. take NOW for example, my hes coming home from tuition & I'VE got to let him play when SHE says so. WELL TOO BAD. TODAYS NOT YOUR LUCKY DAY. SAY BYE TO THE COMP. i just dont get why she ALWAYS side him. she just BIASED THATS ALL. RRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! CHILL.okay. had guides yesterday .haha. my SKIRT is HORRIBLE man. &SOMEBODY said she would go that day.BUT DIDNT SHOW.who cares. drills was kinda funn.i did really alot of WRONG STUFF. -don wanna be reminded of. MAGGOTS has seriously gotta NOT SHOW UP WHEN IM HAVING DRILLS. she gave me that HAHAHA YOU ARE DOOMED &IM GONNA MAKE YOU LAUGH KINDA FACE. CONTROL.CONTROL. PHEW. stephanie&melissa wanted to teach us a new command. it didnt go exactly well. &i heard stephanie tell melissa "this is gonna take time". hohohumm. DONT WORRY,WE'LL GET IT SOMEHOW! :D then xunmin,hilda,racheltay&may were jogging. haha.greeted them-"good afternoon mams" suddenly,melissa&stephanie asked us to fall out. &PLAY A GAME?!? i was thinking like "arent we supposed to have drills?" "are they joking or what?"-confused. but it was FUNN!-played the squirrel,tree game.HAHA. SQUIRREL&TREES IS LOVVE <3 had tests! YAY! passed my FLAG ETIQUETTE <3 got 11/13.-marked by melissa (: ms nicole khor has alot of 'FANS'.HAHA. heard that she is leaving st.nicks! SIGH! so sad): shes a very NICE GUIDER :D ohwells,went home. with nienping,dew,yutian,joey,peiying. :D wanting said we all talk(or LAUGH)very loud. she said from downstairs can hear already. OOPS. got loads of stuff to do.AM LAZY.TIRED.etc.cant take it man. i BLEAHX AT MATHS,GEOG,CHI,HIST,CHI LIT.&more :D Labels: GUIDES :D BIASED MUM xD KB FAMILY DAY! SUCKS.
WENT TO BISHAN PARK ONE TODAY!FOR THE KEBUN BARU FAMILY DAY! TO GET 5HRS OF CIP (: MORNING. almost died on the road.[car crash human] a little late. RAINED. which caused the MUD to get DAMN GROSS! it was all freakin soggy,wet&totally SPLASH-ABLE. THE MUD SUCKS SHIT! MY SHOES GOT A PILE OF MUD STUCK IT SUCKS SHITT LAHH! anw,, started off boring! saw loads of guides.haha had some world record attempt thingy. some longest balloon chain thingy. it was serioualy lame can. hoho.shall not continue bout it. PLAYED HEART ATTACK! <33 damn funn! haha :D later had lucky drw. my number: 01958 DIDNT COME OUT ! )): i was damn evil. haha. keep saying GONE. you would know if you were there . hehe. SLACK TIME! me&jinny went to queue up for FREE milo XD usually FREE means not good quality or sth. IT WAS TOO THICK. i probably got my soar throat because of that XD we couldnt find the rest. WANDERED&WANDERED&WANDERED.. found them AT LONG LAST. they were WASHING THIER SHOES (?!!??)-by the lake! WITH LAKE WATER XD LIKE I SAID,IT WAS THE MUDD IT WAS HOTHOTHOT THERE! THE OTHER SIDE WAS COOLER.BUT THEY DIDNT WANNA GO XD THEY SAY DRY FASTER.HOHO. QIXUAN LOVES BLUE STARRED CARTOONED SOCKS! XDXD THE LAKE WAS REALL FUNN(: LAKES ARE NICE! :D I HAVE XI YI(OR MORE LIKE SHOES)PO FRIENDS (: THEY WASH REALL CLEAN . hohohumm. HOME! Labels: KB FAMILY DAY. SUCKS WHAT A DAYY!
todayy was quite a BORING day.though i think mayb,just maybe,its a PISSED OFF DAY. STORY: 1.mum pissed me off in the morning. 2.MRT pissed me off. didnt wait for me AGAIN! -but lucky i took 1 train earlier,or else i late for drills *GASPS* 3.thought of the hw that is currently piling up.PISSED OFF even more! 4.people(or more like this think-i-am-so-freakin-good-at-drills(though she isnt all that good) PERSON) pissed me off after drills. 5.MANY MANY MORE! im just too lazy to list it out.&i'll get evn MORE PISSED xD hoho. was in the same cabin,in the MRT,as mindy today.(like yesterday) she was also sleeping,like before. i stood at the same place. then went out of the MRT. (btw,mindy saw me.like almost everytime i go out of the same MRT as her,though not always in the same cabin) SAW JOEY TOK! i thought i would NEVER SEE HER. its like she always takes MRT.i don see her! hohohumm. then drills. some embarrassing&awkward moments. xD make me MORE PISSED! xDD i got the water babies thingy from tse ying! THANKS! HES A SWEET TALKIN',SUGAR COATED CANDYMAN! im like super addicted to the song we're gonna use for dikir bartat! :DD im in the SINGING GROUP :DD MAG seemed drunk when she 'unleashed' her 'flair for dancing.' during dikir barat today xDD (CARRIES fantastic DRUNKEN IDEA :DD ) oneCHARITYallthewayy! <33 SWEETSUGARCANDYMAN. Labels: CANDYMAN :D PISSED xD HISTORY ): HAPPYHAPPYDAYY! <3
TODAY IS A REALLY HAPPYY HAPPYY DAYY! (((:NICENICENICE KIWI GAVE ME A PACKET OF MANGO SWEETS ((: & JANICE GAVE ME A PACKET OF SIMPLY DELICIOUS mmm mmmm CHOCOLATES! MAGGOT GOT ME A PAIR OF CHOPSTICKS xD BUT VERY CUTE!-winnie the pooh xD &THIS SUPER MAD&CRAZY LETTER!-it seems that shes OBSESSED with herself. xDxD after boring home econs,met nienping&dew at the bench there. WENT HOME WITH THEM ((: some 'big shot'act QUEEN person really pissed pissed nienping off xD hohohumm.to think i'd end up like this. then walk out of school.HAPPY!haha. xunmin,racheltay,hilda(dunno y sec4s call her huda xD),junying,may?. hohohumm.i don really wanna take notice. walking behind us. then we make noise xD -or is it just me?i think so . xxD probably got fed up of our slowslow walk so they went in front of us.HOHO. they wave for taxi. HAHA. taxi don want them xDxD crossed road.went MACS. i bought ICE-CREAM! like WTH! mine charge 10cents more! now the vanilla ice-cream is 60cents! xD then nienping&dew but the mcFlurry never GST up price! oh yarr,hui rou was with us(: she went to the bus stop. we crossed road. THEY all already took taxi,went off. went to MRT station. saw some guide. then later i nienping&dew give the -omg- kinda look. i still blurr.dunno wat happened xD -DOOMDOOMDOOM!- saw XINHUI! OMG. then i freak out. then dew say run past herr xD nien ping RAN! -xinhui saw xD then i saw the MRT coming.i didnt know if i should cross cos i saw the MRT. i KIASU! i scared die.-actually,i in the first place don like the MRT xD in the end,i ran with dew-dew in front. i run slowslow.SCARED DIE. hoho.xinhui saw. then i thought we freak out for nth cos i topt she farrfarr awayy! NOT. she was like damn near us!at YISHUN. THEY ALL ALIGHT! i ALONE! pray that she wont come to me. then later she face me&say"beverly!u r DEAD!" i was like SHIT.then they all LAUGH&LEFT. THEN SHE COME TO ME&STAND WITH ME&TALK TO ME. she did sth lame! xD GUIDES CLUB. HOHO. hohohumm.HOME! i think im really THAT obsessed with GUIDES! if you go& read my posts,MOST of it are GUIDES related or related to GUIDES people! or BOTH! hurhur.hohohoh.haha.heh. IS THIS A GOOD SIGN? I'D PROBABLY HAVE SOME KINDA GUIDES CLUB THAT THOSE NOSTALGIC-OVER -GUIDES SEC4S ARE HAVING NOW WHEN IM SEC4. HOHOHUMM. its all aboutGUIDESGUIDESGUIDESGUIDESGUIDES. BYEBYE!SHALL GO SLEEP ((: :D blogthings!
hohohumm.another retarded random post.hoho. im just feeling too darn bored! cant stand this BORED feeling! --freaky picture-- THANKS! ITS A POST TO YOU ALL! <33
THIS IS A POST DEDICATED TO THE NICENICENICE PEOPLE WHOWISHED ME;GAVE ME PRESENTS;CARDS;CAKE! & LOADS MORE! ORCHID! -ethel(: -christine(: -elissa(: -june(: -joey(: THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE CAKE! it was really sweet of you all ((: it was CREAMY [ on 15th july 2007! may wishes& more! ((: ] -qixuan! for being the first one to wish me on the actual date!&for spending precious time with me crappin bout how excited i was.&u were really great at doing it! :D thanks also for the combined present with denise! -jinny! thanks for the really nice card&the green fluffy pouch!&the wishes on my taggboard!it was so nice of you! :D -xinhui! thanks for the card&the wire thingy! (: it was nice of you (: -carrie,tseying,veronica,serena thanks for the doggie fluffy ball thingy! & the chocolate! &the wishes! - it was a reall good surprise when i came back to class with your "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEVERLY!" it was really SWEET!hoho. -rebecca thanks for the really cute coinbank!&the doggy chain! (: &the wishes! -jinny,kimberly,rebecca thanks so much for the hand-made doggy thingY! IT WAS SO SWEET&NICE OF YOU ALL! &with the bigbig BEVERLY with very nicenice decos around it. i know you all spent alot of time&effort! IT WAS REALLY SWEET! THANKS! -nicole low! thanks for the BEEF wish on msn! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">-genith! thanks for the wishes on msn ((: &the present too! ((: <33 style="font-weight: bold;">-wanting! thanks for the wishes on the taggboard! ((: -benita! aka bento! thanks for the wishes at 11.30pm on 14thjuly! it was really nice! -rachel! thanks for the happy birthday tagg! it was NICE OF YOU! ((: -jane! heys ZILIANCHEESEY friend! thanks for the sms! ((: 5.53am-hoho,early bird(: -peiying! thanks so so much for the sms! (((: may all your wishes come true ((: 7.53am-exactly 2hrs after jane! (: -kimberly! the birthday song in the sms was really sweet! thank you! <33 style="font-style: italic;"> 8.14am -yu tian! thanks for the sms!& present! ((: 8.24am-10mins after kimberly! ((: -denise! thanks so much for the sms! hohohumm.i HOOPE i can get all A1s! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">-janice chua! thanks so so much for your sms! ((: 1.05pm -nien ping! aka BANANA! hoho!thanks loads for the BEEF sms! haha. ((: 2.14pm -mary-anne! heys!the sms was really nice! :D 2.58PM -si ming! hello! thanks so much for the NICE sms! ((: 3.58pm-exactly 1hr after mary-anne (: -dew!aka ORANGE! heys ORANGE! ((: thanks for the NICENICENICE sms! ((: hohohumm! mango&gateways ROCKS! <333 4.13pm -lokyin!aka KIWI! hellos KIWI! :D thanks for the MANGO FLAVOURED sweets! ((: &the NICENICE sms! :D 6.59am[16th july] -gillian! thanks for the dice game! i play that when im bored XD &to manymanymany more people! THANKS SO VERY MUCH! you have made my day ((: &also the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER (: LOADS OF LOVE! beverly--- HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY TO ME!
--AFTER MY HOMESWEETHOME--suddenly woke up at 10.50. i think. fell asleep on my sofa XD heard my mum calling from the room i was supposed to sleep in. SHE WAS LOCKED IN. SHIT. i was damn tired! i needed sleep! whohhoo! tried the all the freakin damn keyys! cannot! damn F****** door&keyys! opps!not my kinda language. *my fingers hurt now XD * i was damn STRESSED! started screamin&shoutin like a mad ass! then.its time.TO HACK THE DOOR! i mean seriously, I HACKED THE DOOR WITH THE TOOLS. tools-hammer,screw driver,some claw thingy. i started with the HAMMER. hithithit bambambam. ouch.my ear. whoohooo!wood came off. the freaking doorknob is coming out. the doorknob FINALLY came OUT. springs,weird stuff dropped out. its STILL FREAKKING STUCK! there was this damn thing there. took screwdriver.claw thingy. PULL!POKE!HIT! after a whole freaking hour of doing these SPASTIC&RETARDED thing, I FREED THE CAPTURED! hohoho.finally. i was dead beat. lay on my bed. slept. &i LOVE MYSELF! <33 myHAPPYHAPPYHAPPYday! <33
yesterday was one of the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!went to school (: was really happy ((: LESSONS! english was fun! malay was my fav slacking time! science was dull BUT we had funfunfun experiments! RECESS WAS GREAT! went for orchid patrol meeting (: <3 then we had this thing in front of us. didnt know what it was until they took out the plastic. haha.im BLURR probably also because janicelee was there (: celebrated my birthday (: [15thjuly] & christine's birthday (: [17thjuly] HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY NICENICENICE SENIOR CHRISTINE! :D WE ATE WITH THE CARDBOARD FROM THE BOX OF THE CAKE! it was really fun! :D had trouble eating.haha elissa finished last cos she had so much cream around the cake&she didnt want it. FUNNY :p priscilla was there too (: THANKS ORCHID! <33 haha.yay.went for recess with the usuals(: was quite full cos i ate up all the cream on my cake (: then jus bought a 50cents patato wages. FULL. DRAMA was FUN! as uaual (: nice teacher! MUSIC.we had GUITER LESSONS! i kinda know how to play notes. but i need like 1min or sth to change beteween notes. THANK GOODNESS JINNY KNOWS HOW TO PLAY (: or i'll be like. LOST. chinese wasnt as bad as i expected! XD at 2.30 -had re ting xie! XD i have confidence that i WILL PASS ! (: duh i will.&i MUST! or i'll be dead XD omg.it was already 3.10 already! omg.no time to eat lunch le. sorry for those i caused to skip lunch ): REALLY SORRY! bought pinkdolphin. drank a few sips.MY LUNCH! XD GUIDES! <33 xinhui suddenly popped out in front of me& said "happy birthday" scared me. haha XD then gave me this black card&wire thingy (: -i like the wire thingy.haha anyways, THANKS! (: FALL IN. DRILLS!! <33 hohoho.dont know why im so in love with drills. but i am. :p we did MARCHING.normal drills stuff (: commanders kept changing timers cos ALMOST ALL THE SAME PEOPLE KEEP TIMING but then so irritating i was like "left left" then the commander went" CHANGE TIMER!" EVERYTIME LIKE THIS! commanders kept saying "I WANT DIFFERENT PEOPLE TO TIME!THOSE WHO NEVER TIME BEFORE!THE PEOPLE WHO TIME BEFORE,DONT TIME!" rahs. sigh. some people should JUST TIME already theres nothing to feel embarrassed about. -EHEM- FYI to -EHEM-(u noe who r) the more u hesitate to time the more they WANT you to time! so yea. DRILLS WAS REALLY FUNFUNFUN! FUNNY INCIDENTS HAPPENED. hohoho. DRILLS OVER! FALL IN. TESTS!LECTURE! had national symbols tests first! confidence of passing! I DID! GOT 28.5/30! <3 rahs.i lost 1.5marks because of CARELESSNESS! stephenie(think tats how u spell her name :D ) marked mine (: had lecture led by charlotte (: about emergency call cards. supposedly had flag etiquette for test . didnt have ): cos not enough time XD studied so damn hard ! sigh. must study AGAIN. shit. scared of the ASEAN test! i don wanna fail! sigh. FALL IN. horse shoe formation (: did it again. cos the first one we did it wrongly. i ended up being in the middle of the quad. XDXD haha. second time was correct! (: --announcements-- SANG BIRTHDAY SONG FOR SOMEONE! ((: i think it was kimberly oen.not sure. oh wells. dismissed! sat dews parents car to khatib M RT together with dew,peiying&nien ping :D thanks! HOMESWEETHOME! ITS JUST ANOTHER (?)
HEYS PEOPLE! IM BACK!tomorrow i have: -GUIDES! <33 ->flag etiquette ->national symbols -1 lecture ->emergency call card(: -ting xie retest(can this get any worse?) -BORING,sucky music. *[i love music,i just cant read notes&i hate HER lessons] -&MORE basically,i just LOVE guides.&HATE boring,boring lessons.RAHS. whoohoo! ran today! but damn little ): only like 1km!!?! haha.yea.its really a short time. BUT.it was a nice feeling after the run (: JANICE!!supposed to run with me then after 2mins don run.CHEER.haha.u r funny :D THEN WE SKIPPED.&SKIPPED&THEN WIPPED MYSELF.by accident. sorry janice.didnt play badminton with you XDXD IM SUCH A FAILURE! i only sold i pathetic tin of cookies. then had to buy the other $20 from my own pocket! LIKE WTH. janice can sell $110& me? &10. i know i suck at this kinda things lahh! ): YOU GOT RICH FRIENDS CAN!&U R RICH (: i think im quite prepared for the guides tests&ting xie tmr. I DON WANNA RETAKE THE TEST NEXT YEAR! DAMN EMBARASSING! I WILL&I MUST PASS (: - the positive outlook of life (: well,sorta :D HAHA.YEA.SIGNED UP FOR THE WALKATON. & i seriously dont know whether we ARE WALKING or NOT WALKING. CRAP. meeting hui yue at the yishun mrt station ! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">currently HOOKED on: .grace kelly-mika .thanks for the memories-fall out boy .this aint a scene,its an arm race-fall out boy .keep holding on-avril lavigne .complicated-avril lavigne .sk8ter boy-avril lavigne &more (: AM LOOKING FORWARD TO TOMORROW! I GUESS. WHO KNOWS WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR US? NIGHTS! <3 COOKIES! anyone?
SELLING COOKIES!!!!!CHOCOLATE! $10 per tin. CHOCOLATE MINT! $10 per tin. MACADEMIA NUT! $12 per tin. need your help here people!inform ME if you want (: THANKS! HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY DEW! :D YAY!going to the ZOO on the 20TH! some field trip thing with the guides! :D looking forward! ((: hah.also looking forward to next week's orchid patrol meeting! also SAD.because it just so happens to be on a TUESDAY!! that means i cant go for swallow's patrol meeting! because it happens to fall on a tuesday too! now cant even go for swallow's patrol meeting ): ohwells,get on with life. -quote from yt. XD wrote the CRAPPY ting xie corrections already! PHEW! i dont mind telling people that i FAILED MY TING XIE! yes,i did.& it sucks okay. the freakin teacher asked the people to fail to write each qns 10 times okay! I DID.there were 20 LONG qns!took a freakin long time to complete it. calculated.i had to write approx. 2880 chinese words okay! I HATE CHINESE!! plus i have to RE TEST IT ON FRIDAY! &on THAT day,i have GUIDES TEST! WAH LAO! MUST REMEMBER SO MANY THINGS! hopefully,i wont fail any tests anymore. having failed my geog & ting xie test,plus i know i will fail my recent maths test(cos not enough time ): ) ; i have woken up from my NIGHTMARE.trying to buck up now,not to be SO LAZY. think im improving(: because i didnt touch the computer yesterday ! (: did ALL MY HW!! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">I LOVE MYSELF! HAH.EGO ME. to JIAEN!-im EGO!& i still think im a good waver! haha. fine. YOU TOO :D ART! ME;
whoohoo! had a real fun day today!!during lunch,ate lunch.(duh.) then went to play basketball(: damn fun kae. i was screaming like a mad woman XP hen went to fall in.IN MY NEW PATROL! ORCHID! we are in the middle hahar. not that used because swallow used to be right at the end,easy to find.TEEHEE(: but anyways,it was okay (: then we had drills. learnt the take dressing thingy. and the MARCHING . i promised myself that i wouldnt time today because my throat HURT. but i did in the end :/ then at the marching part everyone had to time.HAHA. CHECK(right leg)T(left leg)L(right leg)V(left leg)BANG(right leg)..LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT LEFT. HAHA.didnt get it at first,but with the help of our 3commanders plus chinpei plus stephenie! thanks! <3 HAD LECTURE.i was going over-hyper :/ do you think people were thinking "can she chill or sth?!" SO SORRY. haix. but then it was FUN (: sunflower won the 'game' for the RULES OF HEALTH LECTURE. haha.so funny. in order to determine to winner,shakesphere&nienping,representing their patrol had to answer a qns.first one to get it WINS (: then jiafeng,i think,drew a HUGE CARROT and asked them to guess it.they cant look.(duh) then they faced us and then ppl started to do action about CARROTS,RABBITS,ETC. then nien ping said i did the 'peace'sign fingers on top of my head(LIKE BUNNY EARS) then tabitha did the eating action. then she guessed CARROT. YAY!SUNFLOWER WON! haha.ORCHID NOT THAT BAD KAE! we had 2POINTS!!!!! :D GAVE RACHEL TAY THE MINIGATEWAY TODAY! FROM!THE GATEWAY SEC ONES '07. CONSISTING OF! NIENPING!DEW!YUTIAN!JANICElee!BEVERLY(me)! IT WAS "damn hilarious"-as quoted from her.HAHARS. its like,kiwi&kimberly(oen)told us that they were in MACS. then when we went there,THEY WERENT THERE ): then they told us she was at the bus stop before the angmokio MRT bus stop there . HAHA.she was standing alone there.then we gave it MINIGATEWAY to her. too bad yutian wasnt there): she had to go home. then later we sent her a sms. sth like "happy farewell.. etcetc" then she replied.one part was "and people are staring at me :/ " then we replied to that (sth like) "because the gateway is pretty(: so people are staring at you.haha" then she replied again.we didnt.hehe. IT WAS FUN TAKING THE MRT WITH DEW&NIENPING TODAY :D i finally at long last did NOT take the YISHUN mrt with them! (: muahaha! --my SECRET MINIPULATING PLAN. hohoho IN LOVE WITH THE grace kelly song by mika (: haha.AM TOO OVER-HYPER TODAY! hapy birthday to these july babies!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THESE JULY BABIES! :D+hanwen! 2nd +elaine! 6th +DEW! 8th +MAG-got! 10th +ME! 15th +denise! 26th i guess tats all (: well,happy belated birthday hanwen! YOU OWE ME ONE.-i guess some people already know what im talking about :P had drills this morning. ooh.i forgot to time at the part where you had to put your hands down after the dressing thingy. timing was supposed to be "ONE". i did "... " -nothing! SHIT. and i learnt that we are SUPPOSED TO BE IN ATTENTION POSITION BEFORE YOU CAN GREET THE COMMANDERS. SHIT,once again.i did really bad during drills today ): because of the timings and stuff. it was super embarrassing can. well,I SHALL LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES THEN. and i realise that i cant do 2 things at a time. its like i must think of the command then do what im supposed to do. then some commands have different timings. im scared that i will time wrongly, so this is how my brain works. MY BRAIN SUCKS. tmr have maths test again.i suck. can we just stop having ting xie-s and maths,geog tests? i totally suckk at them kae. not implying that im great at the rest :/ WARNING!CAUTION! im gonna kill myself OVER the the childrens home today! you think its fun? well,GUESS WHAT. i actually lectured them. amazing right? i also cant believe. oh man. I GOTTA CHILL. you can ask mary-anne and qixuan how i lectured them.HAHA. IM MEAN.BUT THEY WERE OUT OF CONTROL.seriously. oh wells.have FIRST ORCHID PATROL MEETING TMR! <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MYSELF!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! SOON. 15TH JULY '07 <3 ITS WEIRD.WHEN PEOPLE KNOW ITS MY BIRTHDAY COMING SOON,THEY ASK ME "WHAT DO U WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT?" it weird because its seems like im saying :give me a present.i want this and this. dont you think its WEIRD?! it sounds like im demanding you know? haha. well , ITS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS :D i don mind whatever you give me,you know. even if anyone gives me a random piece of paper and writes "HAPPY BIRTHDAY",its good enough! (: i really appreciate these kinda things I REALLY DO. it will make my day for you to do such things (: HAHA.so don ask me "WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT?" though i know im a REALL NICE PERSON! haha.im ZILIAN! oh wells,i really think i should stop posting random stuff. its like i just posted some stuff not long ago. then it will be gone because of new posts (: OH WELLS,I CANT RESIST THE TEMPTATION. conclusion of the POST : TEMPTATION KILLS. elissa just SMSed me that we have patrol meeting tmr and that we have to bring $1.40 our new emblem (: POINT IS: -excited about e new patrol emblem and meeting! <3 -tmr have DRILLS how come have patrol meeting??weird. :/ OH!!!SHE JUST TOLD ME ITS ON THURS!probably typo error (: haha.EXCITED ABOUT PATROL MEETING AND ORCHID EMBLEM!but then its reall sad that i have to get the SWALLOW patrol emblem down ): OH!tmr have drills.hope EVERTHING goes WELL :D TODAY,SOMETHING REALL FUNNY HAPENED! we were in groups doing some eng letter thing.(jinny,kimberly,mary-anne,me!) then we discuss discuss,BORED. then started to talk. then she says what her LEARNING LAB tuition center stuff. then she has a friend in bedok green. theni was like i have a cousin,only got 199 for PSLE(talking bout sth before that (: ) then she was like [laughing laughing and stuff] then i said my cousin is like go there do nothing one only sleep and blow air-con.(he RICH can!) then she said her friend is called "RYAN" then i was like OMG!thats my coousin's name! M-A:IS HE SEC ONE? ME:YES! M-A:HE TALL TALL ONE RITE? ME:YES! [THEN WE STARTED HAVING THAT OMG KINDA LOOK WITH TAT I CANT BELIEVE IT KINDA THINKING!] M-A:HE GOES TO BEDOK GREEN SEC RITE?! ME:I THINK SO LEH! M-A:DOES HE WEAR SPECS? ME:NO. M-A:I THINK IT THE SAME PERSON LEH! ME:OMG. M-A:WHATS HIS SURNAME? ME:LIM.RYAN LIM. BOTH:I REALLY THINKS ITS THE SAME GUY!(gosh.omg) [CONTIINUES CONVO ABIT THEN WORK!] this is fate,i guess. ANOTHER THING HAPPPENED TODAY AFTER SCHOOL! DAMN FUN HAHA (: WE HAD ANOTHER WHEELCHAIR GAME! WHOOHOO! WE(ME!,JANICEchua,YUTIAN,JINNY,HUIYUE)WERE WALKING TO THE BUS STOP TOGETHER.THEN I SAW THE WHEELCHAIR . WELL,I COULDNT HELP BUT GOING TO IT AGAIN! THEN JANICE PUCHED ME AOUND!YUTIAN HANGED AROUND FELT CHILDISH.BUT GREAT! HUIYUE AND JINNY TOOK PICS OF US ! <3 THEN I PUSHED JANICE AROUND! ONCE AGAIN.THEY TOOK PICS. YUTIAN STILL HANGED AROUND LAUGHUNG. STILL FELT DAMN CHILDISH.BUT fun! BROUGHT JANICE DOWN THE SLOPE,ALMOST LOST CONTROL. SORRY I ALMOST KILLED YOU,JANICE! XDXD THEN WE WALKED TO THE BUS STOP!(HUI YUE'S DAD PROBABLY FETCHED HER HOME IN THE END ): ) the end! MATHS TOTALLY SUCKED AND TINGXIE TOO. im prepared for the WORST.i guess. tmr have drills.well,i shall be EARLY! cant afford to do anything wrong. though im still rusty because of the holidays )): well,i'll BUCK UP! <3 EXTRA ME!
HELLOE PEOPLE! i would like to make a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT to NICOLE LOW and HO YU TIAN!I AM FREAKIN EXTRA OKAY! even I admit that i AM EXTRA.so lets all face the truth. ME=EXTRA EXTRA=ME not that i don wanna go,i AM EXTRA. well,let me put(summarised)convo with nic low about me being EXTRA. ME:i am extra okay!! NIC:BEEF IS NOT EXTRA(x10) ME:you tell me 10000000 times.truth is im EXTRA NIC:THE WHOLE WORLD AGREES!WHO SAYS BEEF IS NOT EXTRA, NIC:BREATHE! NIC:SEE!EVERYONE IS BREATHING! ME:i am not breathing ME:dead people are not! NIC:GOT MORE LIVING PEOPLE ME:there are probably more dead beings than live beings NIC:I SHALL BE NICE TO DEAD PEOPLE NIC:IF YOU THINK BEEF IS NOT EXTRA.LIE DOWN! NIC:SEE,ALL DEAD PEOPLE ARE LYING DOWN NIC:THE WHOLE WORLD THINKS BEEF IS NOT EXTRA! --AND ALOT OF OTHER CRAP-- BIG FAT CONCLUSION:I AM STILL DAMN EXTRA! i MIGHT consider.-MEANING,i CONSIDER to CONSIDER. HARHAR . IAM evil .IAM extra. ALL ABOUT ME?!?
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Beverly!
i find this highly amusing :D haha. i find myself doing seriously RANDOM stuff nowadays. just dunno why :/ got this from weiyun's blog. :D Confidence 74 Openness 16 Extroversion 90 Empathy 92 Trust in others 62 Agency 74 Masculinity 10 Femininity 56 Spontaneity 16 Attention to style 74 Authoritarianism 88 Earthy/Imaginative Imaginative Earthy 44 Aesthetic/Functional Functional Aesthetic 32 I AM AN ENCOURAGING IDEALIST. well,this personality test was seriously RANDOM. i was just darn bored.haha :D CHOIR! SYF 2006.st.nicks pri.
oh man!! i was darn bored so i went to search for the last year's choir practice veideo before SYF2006-someone posted it.bleahx.it wasnt very good :/BUT!i found the [Daffodils] song, one of the 3 songs we sang for the SYF choir 2006. oh man!it was great! oh yes,i WAS IN IT.okay,some people thought that im not the choir sort.too bad i was. (: EVOKING 'GREAT' MEMORIES.hah.i mean there were GREAT times and there were not-so-great times where the conductor,mr benedict goh(funny i can still remember his name),scolded us and kept making us sing over and over and OVER again. but they were great times which i treasured.i will never forget those times spent with you people! XD keep holding on
KEEP HOLDING ON You're not alone Together we stand I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand When it gets cold And it feels like the end There's no place to go You know I won't give in No I won't give in Keep holding on 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through Just stay strong 'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you There's nothing you could say Nothing you could do There's no other way when it comes to the truth So keep holding on 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through So far away I wish you were here Before it's too late, this could all disappear Before the doors close And it comes to an end With you by my side I will fight and defend I'll fight and defend Yeah, yeah Keep holding on 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through Just stay strong 'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you There's nothing you could say Nothing you could do There's no other way when it comes to the truth So keep holding on 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through Hear me when I say, when I say I believe Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah La da da da La da da da La da da da da da da da da Keep holding on 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through Just stay strong 'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you There's nothing you could say Nothing you could do There's no other way when it comes to the truth So keep holding on 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through Keep holding on Keep holding on There's nothing you could say Nothing you could do There's no other way when it comes to the truth So keep holding on 'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. AVRIL LAVIGNE |